Because there are thousands of women to choose from for that role and they were hardly going to cast an unattractive person is how she is so cute.
Because there are thousands of women to choose from for that role and they were hardly going to cast an unattractive person is how she is so cute.
She is the most punchable character I've ever encountered. There is NOTHING interesting or redeemable about her. She's so so so fucking bland. And unable to differentiate fantasy from reality. I guess when she has imaginary friends who needs real ones right.
Zach didn't mess up the campaign, the people who invaded his ex's privacy did. She did nothing wrong and neither did he.
Well it's cunts like you that ruin it for the rest of us isn't it
No she's supposed to take it all and stay at home like a humble, good wife you see. Anything else is clearly narcissism.
Insincere, judgemental, holier than thou with nothing interesting about her whatsoever, plus a privileged little snot with no concept of how ACTUAL people think…I loathe the character and now I loathe the actress too.
I would hate Grace too if she were my child. I would probably have a late late late term abortion with that one.
Besides continually be a smarmy little douchette with nothing likable or interesting or realistic except for maybe the manifestation of a retarded inbred hamster's personality?
I liked it too. I don't know why but I just liked watching the wanton immorality…ok I do know why.
Was this comment really necessary?
So it's white even though 2 of the 3 people are Asian?
I see what you're saying, but both countries are guilty of human rights crimes and both have strengths. I don't see how it's any different from an American standing up for his or her country. It seems Russia is his country now. Plus did he ever claim to be patriotic?
whaaaa? He is definitely hot. Very yummy indeed.
Shouldn't at least a FEW days past before people spoil GoT in non GoT threads? No? Am I being a spoiler Nazi?
the childless just won't get it the way parents do
no no no no Kalinda's last goodbye cannot be to Grace.
Good god, yes. I wanted to kill her character. Didn't her god say something about honouring your parents?
Snitching is just a weak ass move no matter how you cut it.
Agree, it's her character's weakness that really bothered me, especially in the face of so many resilient people. She asked for it and now she's buckling in the worst possible way, but what did I expect, she was brainwashed pretty easily by the church.
I really, really hate the character Paige, which is probably a testament to the actress. It might be irrational but I just want her character to suffer for begging to know the truth then selling her family out because she's too weak to take it.