
New hobby for robots: building humans.

Is he pulling his music from AM and FM radio too? That sounds way worse than Spotify/Apple Music.

Politic and logic are usually nemesis to each other.

What does 'national security' mean? Is it job security for the few people who have access to this information and the unsupervised ability to abuse it as they like for personal profit, blackmail, or dirty tricks against political opponents? Or is there still any concept of security for individual citizens against

Call me a douche but I tend to just do the speed limit. Then I know I won't get a speeding ticket and have my insurance premium go up. I know right? What kind of shithead obeys the law. I also don't steal, murder or vandalize property. Square alert!

Craig Mullins is PREPOSTEROUS.

The man is so massively talented, he makes the ownership of a photographic camera completely pointless.
He has the best eye for synthetizing light/texture i've ever seen in the world of art. (ALL OF IT)
The quantity of information he extracts from a few, very well-thought-out scribbles is

Nice 12 Monkeys reference there.

I dropped the google street view guy into the hole, now the street view option is gone...

With population on the decline at this rate could the city eventually become a ghost town?

Let's not get carried away here. RenderMan didn't MAKE Wall-E, or ANY Pixar movie. It rendered them. RenderMan is NOT an animation software. That distinction goes to Presto, for Pixar at least. Downloading RenderMan won't do you any good without a content creation package, plugin software, and a TON of coding

... is it your office?

High speed cameras can be great fun. I worked as an engineer in a factory that produced high speed packaging machinery. Sometimes, the only way to figure out what was causing malfunctions at high speeds is to film it with a high speed camera. Then, you can see exactly what was happening in slow motion, and correct it.

EGON: The structure of this roof cap is exactly like the kind of telemetry tracker that NASA uses to identify dead pulsars in deep space.

why are these not repurposed as homeless shelters/ Affordable housing?

Creatine was a decent boost for me. It's like the difference between days you can finish all your reps perfectly and days you just can't, it makes most days like those best days. By letting you lift more, more regularly, it can help you obtain more permanent gains through regular working out.

It also makes muscles

Awwww, yeah . . .

That totally rocks and makes me wish I had a quadcopter. I would love to terrorize the neighborhood children (and dogs!). See if they walk (or poo) on my lawn any more!

I don't mean to be a b*tch, but that CGI was TERRRRRRRRIBLE. So unrealistic. They could have just used clips from various doomsday movies instead.