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    My question for you is...

    Just b/c black dudes & light-skinned chicks say, “Colorism doesn’t exist” doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Ppl who have at least one social advantage LOVE to use that same line, “[...] doesn’t exist” whether it’s racism, colorism, sexism, ageism, classism, whatever. Take your pick! They ALL use that line. It’s a cop out

    This is a case of the pig being paranoid for all the crooked shit that he’s done. That's all that's about!

    Oprah doesn’t have anything to do w/ this. Mo’Nique hates Oprah for an entirely different reason.

    ....a case of fragile white tears...” LMAO

    Daniels’ misogynoir is the reason I agree w/ Mo'Nique about him. He's a p.o.s.

    In other words, you want her to stop being who she is to make whites happy?

    You mean to tell me that that cumstain was actually nominated for an oscar for that dumb ass song from the “Trolls” movie?! lol

    Your last sentence was the first thing I thought when I read the title...

    They’re trying to go back farther than that! They’re trying to bring back the ‘20s!!! And, we know this so, wtf do we do about b/c I'm not about to let them get away with it!!!

    I disagree. Shelley Winters looks alot better than this pig. This rodent looks & acts like Shelley Winters on crystal meth!

    I love you for this! LMAO

    Those Arab b*stards are the most vile, disgusting mfs to ever walk the face of the Earth (aside from the white b*stards, of course). I wonder if it’s that Islamic trash that they regurgitate that makes them that way. The Arab women are ok for the most part but, those bastards, though...



    If he’s a REAL “pusher” then, he should’ve used HIS junkies’ bathroom - not a photo of Whitney Houston’s bathroom that he got from the Enquirer. This is just a prime example to how low West is willing to stoop for publicity. Disgusting.

    “...vicious water attack...” ??? How can anybody be attcked by water (particularly viciously)? lol I think she’s just a snowflake who can dish it out but, can’t take it.

    Janet’s The Best to Ever do it - Period! Now, about your article...

    Dang, the wedding was blacker than I thought! lol I’m sorry I missed it now! I didn’t really care to watch b/c I just assumed it would be some stuffy, uptight white, British wedding.

    Hello! If mama’s black, the child is black - AND KNOWS IT! If the father’s black then, the child grows up saying that he or “isn’t black”.