youre on my list
#Bachgate2014, take back Bach's music from the SJWs who insist that blah blah misandry blah blah MRAs fight back blah blah.
Being a guy, I can never really understand how this feels for a woman, but what surprised me was the cumulative feeling of disgust I felt as the video went on. Each comment was compounded by all the comments that preceded it. I can only imagine what that must feel like at the end of an entire day.
They've caught guys fucking bicycles, knotholes and dogs in public. Really don't think it's the hugest compliment to be told that a guy is willing to put his dick in you.
yes i feel really confident about this
you can't just hit on the queen like she's a mere mortal. you have to sacrifice like 10000 poems into a burning bazier that is spiced with like idk vanilla and lavender and then bathe in sea water and air dry while meditating on sunbeams and the softness of kitten fur.
I teared up reading that. Both because of Daniel and because of Robert.
I was an extra in the movies and he was always incredibly nice. To the point that he made an effort to learn everyone's names. There were hundreds of us.
As a gamma male I mostly wear the pants. Unless I get angry if that happens I just bust right out of them. I usually like to wear purple pants as that color compliments my slighty greenish skin tone.
I'm Indian, and once an old white lady thought I was Padma Lakshmi and asked me for cooking tips, even though I was like 15 and was wearing Lycra sweatpants
If someone comes at me with intent to rape me- I'm doing whatever the fuck I have to do to keep it from happening. If that includes killing someone, then so be it. Do not rape or try to rape or intend to rape someone and not be ready to deal with the consequences. Which might include me killing your ass.
I'm concerned that they chose a vocally simplistic section of the song to highlight Meryl's singing, and she wasn't even that good at it. What will happen when she tackles Last Midnight or Witch's Lament? She's a marvelous actress, easily one of the best to ever grace the screen in my opinion, but she cannot sing.…
Alex Trebek: "The thing I am exploiting."
Let's see what Mama June came up with.
I'm going to be the nearly-40-year-old childless woman sitting alone in the movie theater crying tears of joy and sentimentality throughout this whole movie. If you see me, do not be alarmed. I'm not actually insane and I won't hurt you or your children. Just leave me be with my memories, tears, and tissues.
i hope my queen just tweets 'you're welcome.' we are blessed with anything she gives us.
To be honest most of the articles around here that are claiming that Taylor Swift is "Too White" or not acting "White Enough" are little more substantial than white noise static, but they still get plenty of pageviews, so maybe it's like that?
Um...no...being a serial killer is number two on my list of deal breakers...I'm terribly picky, you see.
I think the most depressing thing here is that my first thought upon viewing the photo was, "It could be worse. Thank god he didn't do it in blackface."
Sorry, what? Songs about New York City are now only allowed to be on certain specified topics? I'm all for calling artists out on failures, but this is ridiculous. "She's singing about happy things! SHUT IT DOWN."