
The best thing about this cover is the ghost of Grace Kelly benevolently smiling down on the newlyweds.

I am so disappointed by this post and the vast majority of the comments on it. The Daily Show, however inadvertently, included a racist and islamophobic joke in its recent broadcast. That is the issue here. I don't understand why shaming teenage girls for caring about that is what you chose to do. And also, the

Honestly, I think they should've gone with the obvious choice of Beiber. The joke would've been less of a problem because he's truly an asshole who terrorizes folks. But in regards to 1D, context is important b/c Zayn has been called a terrorist on multiple occasions just because he's Muslim. It's the same with those

I think these One Direction fans have a point. Being racist toward someone as a form of satire to criticize something else doesn't make it okay that you're being racist. It was inappropriate when the Colbert Report did the same thing with Asians to make fun of the racism in a football team's name and it's

The "you are a terrorist" tweets come from mostly racist trolls, yes. But those are still many people, not just a singular person saying it. Enough of them and often enough that it got to the point that he had to delete his twitter account for awhile because that vile shit took over his timeline and mentions. And

As a person with iranian roots, having heard a lot of comments - yes, I find it racist. Sorry, Jezebel, there are a lot of articles about racism against black people here- why don't you take this issue as seriously?

I started watching the Daily Show when I was a 13-year old girl. Teenagers are hardly a negligible part of their fanbase. And I don't think liking a boy band necessarily makes you brainless. I think mindless entertainment that is clearly intended for women gets this accusation much more than the comparable kind for

Personally, when I saw the sketch, I didn't really think anything of it, because they didn't call Zayn out specifically. I initially saw it as yet another random reference to the band in that they are powerful and have that sort of Global Domination aspect to their band, which some people dislike and the joke was

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh not the best move. like, i don't expect jessica or any of the staff to realize that one of the members of 1d IS constantly called a terrorist, butttt not the greatest move, considering this is the case.

Hello, I am one such person.

To me, it's just stupid insensitivity. Because even if the person who sent the tweet was only thinking "this is her most well known line from her most well known role," there IS baggage attached that white privilege lets white people ignore. I had to stop and think (as a white person trying to be a good ally) about

I have no doubt she will exploit it but I seriously doubt she was happy about being assaulted. I love cake but I don't want it shoved in my mouth.

I lost all respect for Ellen when she surprised Channing Tatum with a doll, knowing he has pediophobia (fear of dolls). To someone with a phobia, that is torture. Just because you don't understand it and think it's funny, does not give you the right to put someone through anguish for your entertainment.

She was there when we needed her. She did not intrude.

Nobody would care if sea horses got aborted BECAUSE THE DAD WOULD BE DOING IT.

I had 50,000,000 abortions last week. COME AT ME, ANTI-CHOICERS.

Where are they coming up with this 50,000,000 figure? Did they read my diary?

Sorry but there's no intelligent discourse with people whose opinion is "My sky friend told me you shouldn't do that".

This is my real son as a baby.

I think I heard her on the say it on the Oprah show about her. This was a dumb reporter and really sad because this is a huge moment for WOC. She writes shows that are dynamic, interesting and gossipy without losing wit or relying on tired story lines and in a time when people think reality TV killed scripted shows.