Psh, when I get 100 balls for my birthday everyone just slut-shames me :(
Psh, when I get 100 balls for my birthday everyone just slut-shames me :(
I prayed to Floyd last week, and now I'm making $8K a week working from home!
I didn't say they weren't a successful company: I was just saying their product is terrible.
Look for my coming illustrated story book for man children, Is Your Mack Whack? Get It Back On Track.
Yes, people use words like "Asshat", Asshole", Fucking dickhead", "motherfucker", and "what the fuck is fucking wrong with you, you fucking fuck?" (These are mine.)
Oldman Yells at Cloud.
Considering she was 11 or 12 when she filmed her first major roles, the joke is fucking gross.
This article really contradicts the one from earlier about how female celebrities aren't allowed to ever live shit down. WTF?
I'm adding Robin Thicke to my list of men who write songs exactly like Taylor Swift and get none of the criticism she gets
The tracklist for Thicke's next album:
It's pretty weird to call out Khloe for being disrespectful to Native American culture and call them "hairy gypsies" in the same sentence.
"Could you please turn your music down?
Are they detached from their own humanity or do they not have a concept of her as human? Perhaps both?
The problem is actually that they're detached from her humanity, I think.
I have gone from loving Gaga to being absolutely repelled by her. The incident with the woman vomiting on her and now this Terry Richardson/R. Kelly disaster? Please, go sit down, Gaga. If this is the best you can do, it's over.
Absolutely. It annoys me when people say she only sings about boys. Yes, most songs are, but many are about friendship and eating disorders and other young female experiences. And those songs about boys hint at a sexuality that doesn't follow a pornographic "Dreamworld" narrative. I feel like writing her off…
Can we not take this line of thinking please? 1, we don't know if either of these men had a diagnosable mental illness 2, this line of reasoning perpetauates stigma against those living with mental illnesses 3, the also perpetauates the idea that people just randomly snap (which increases stigma more) and 4, you have…
All of these complaints read like "I prefer the traditional, cheesey as fuck, boring, high fashion, sexist commercials that I am used to. Unless they start putting unattractive people in their commercials, I don't want anything to change."
I mean, advertising will always be selling things, but this is SO much better than the way products are normally marketed to women. And it sounds like Pantene is doing other good work. I don't think you can fault a commercial company for making profit their priority, but it's nice that some companies try to be…