
Maybe I'm overtired, maybe it's because I'm still waiting for Evan Rachel Wood and Jamie Bell to tell me it's not my fault and they don't love me any less, or maybe I'm just trying to distract myself from the inevitability of death BUT I REALLY NEED THIS ONE TO BE TRUE, DO YOU HEAR ME, CELEBRITIES?

:-/ Try to take comfort in knowing that in true discussions, myriad viewpoints can be discussed and debated. They, however, are all speaking the same boring tripe. They probably think they're such individuals, but hatred has a universal sameness.

I feel like Chris Evans's shoulder to waist ratio would distract from any kid-idolizing weirdness during banging.



all day, erryday. god he's fit. i have dated men of all shapes, sizes, heights, weights and races. i'm like the UN of d. but just once - just once - i would like to know what its like to be with someone who has abs like that. i would probably black out and not be able to enjoy it.

Everything I've heard about Chris Evans states that he is a Good Guy (NOT a "Nice Guy") and very sweet.

By acting so cautiously about it we're continuing to villainize the term, to give it otherness. Being a feminist should be a badge of honor, not something to slink away from. If more men were openly feminist, the term would be considered less hostile.

my daughter loves being read to, and so even though she isn't reading on her own yet I'm totally confident that she will love reading all her life like her mom and dad do.

Oh for the love... IT'S READING FUCKING RAINBOW. It's the closest thing to perfect educational TV programming that has existed, exists now, or ever will exist.

Yeah, sure, and how many Kickstarters are for non-profits? I, for one, knew what I was getting in to, and am happy to pay $50 for a Reading Rainbow mug. If a portion of that money goes to help kids love reading, and bring back one of the best shows ever, all the better.

Feel free to use your maleness to call these attitudes out. Men like you can be powerful allies, since obviously these dudes are not so inclined to concern themselves with lady-opinions. Plus, when other guys look the other way with respect to bad behavior, rape jokes, harassment, etc. it validates the guys who would

If violent misogyny is just mental illness, I say we go old school and throw these types into asylums, like men use to do to "difficult" women under the diagnosis of hysteria. Obviously, it's their testicles making them sick — testeria!

Oh for crying out loud, misandry is about as relevant as white oppression. My spell-check has a red line under it because IT'S NOT EVEN A THING.

Yeah - my fiance didn't "not all men" me but he kind of started in that direction about how this is a "vocal minority" or something and I think the look I shot him shut him up real quick. Minority doesn't fucking matter - someone is out there threatening me* all the time. All the time.

You know what really makes me angry about this? It isn't that these guys are idolizing a killer—there's plenty of sick fucks why idolize murderers of all stripes—its that women STILL can't get the "good" men to believe that hateful misogyny actually exists. They can go and SEE it, and still all I hear is, "Well, he

On the one hand, I'm not sure how much more of this coverage I can stand.

Seriously, thank you for doing the emotionally demanding work that I'm sure this was. This is all terrifying, but important to know about.

I'm a straight woman who feels like no one's attracted to me. I "peaked" over ten years ago according to men. At least men don't depreciate like fucking cars. Whyyyy do men think women are never lonely, rejected, ignored?! Is it because the "dime pieces" are literally the only ones on your radars?

OK, since I'm already getting my inbox flooded elsewhere, why not double the fun? (Note: feel free to ignore this, I'm venting because I'm in a shitty mood.)