
These days, I can barely even work up the energy to look anything other than completely exhausted by this bullshit. I'm waiting to figure out where the TARDIS is hiding so I can get back to the actual 21st century, because this can't possibly be it.

Man, am I glad she cleared this up. I thought I was a liberated feminist, but I guess that whole depression thing just makes me a slave to the patriarchy!

I have to admit, this made me a little teary-eyed. Thank you for sharing. Between you and a couple of the other commenters, this has brightened my day. Lately, it feels like men who have compassion for and awareness of these things are the exception and not the rule, and it's a welcome relief to be reminded that's in

And it feeeeels liiiike... home.

I just said this to my dad earlier this week, oh my goddddd. He was like, "You just need to let go of all this negativity," and it's like, I'm sorry I have depression, but okay, I guess I could just let go of negativity, because it's like balloons, right? Obviously it's super easy and we're just not trying!

I would chip in to buy more of those "Hey Girl" banners to fly over his rallies, but I'm not sure I could stomach attending one myself. But seriously, I will absolutely be making a donation to the Obama campaign, once I sit down and go over my budget to figure out what's the most I can give. Just... fuck, man. Yeah,

I think maybe... the little Gucci dress!

When I was in middle school and high school (the early aughts), it was all the rage to have friendship photos for girls, and I have a large number of wallet-sized photos tucked away in boxes somewhere that I took with various friends over those seven years. We went to portrait shops in the mall for them, and we'd pose

Oh my god, I'm trying so hard not to outright shriek with laughter at my desk. Morning MADE.

Yeah, her dad is co-signing for the apartment, although the guy at the place we really want seemed reluctant about the idea.

I am genuinely impressed by people who can make recognizable fanart because my art skills are nonexistent, but yeah, I'm definitely a fanfic girl myself. I like mine either really good or really, really, amazingly beautiful terrible. Bless the internet for making it possible for us to share all of this. XD

My best friend and I are in the process of filling out applications for our first attempt at having an apartment. I am kind of terrified because there was this screw up with one of my student loans (one of the companies I had a loan from acquired one of my other loans and I did not get any statements for it and then I

This is really all I could think of when I saw this comment. John Green knows the Internet.

Oh, god, writing papers was like pulling teeth for me and I never even got to the level you're on. I BSed a lot, really. Um, but when you hit that wall, what works for me a lot is to give myself permission to get up and walk away from it for a little while. Don't guilt yourself if you need to take half an hour to

Because it's a world I want to live in. Someone sign me up for this career.

That interview (along with the fact the interview was like "It is sexism!") made me so happy, even if the accompanying photo shoot was the exact same one Teen Vogue has done four times a year since I was in middle school. Those two are my happy place.

Oh man, a whole show about SHIELD agents? I AM SO IN. I mean, I was sitting her kind of hoping for Runaways, because I want more than a movie of that (and it keeps getting bumped back anyway), but then, that could go so, so wrong so easily on TV and Joss' arc was not my favorite anyway, so SHIELD sounds better and

Hear, hear. It'll at least get me giving it a half season chance instead of my usual habit of giving a show four episodes to hook my interest before I have to dump it. And then, even if it's awful, I'll probably keep watching anyway, because Mindy.

We got married because we love each other and we wanted to be together and I wanted half his action figures so I could put them in embarrassing poses with my Spider-Man figurines.

Except that it assumes that all rapes take place between two people of different genders! That's not true now, and I doubt it was true back before Jesus' time either. Other than that, I had to admit they did a decent job of turning that around.