All you have to do is preface any accomplishment with “your little ...” and put “whatever” on the end to diminish anything, no matter how big.)
All you have to do is preface any accomplishment with “your little ...” and put “whatever” on the end to diminish anything, no matter how big.)
“My grammar was twisted. That’s why you hear certain rappers, when they put words in songs, it’s like, are they saying anything? Because technically, he’s uneducated about literature. Because if he knew proper sentences and proper grammar, you wouldn’t use nouns where they’re not supposed to be at. But that’s what…
Ain’t that the damn truth!
One word-Ypipo
Man i can add not a thing to that!!!! My Friday just got better homie!! lol! God bless!!!!
As a long time Philadelphia Eagles fan who has not watched a single game this season because of my own awakening of sorts. I truly hope that Kaep attends this meeting. It is quite honestly because of this brother that i fully understand how much power these players and fans give away to the money making machine that…
Alabamafication sounds oddly enough like Virginiagentrification! You bring up a well documented point that many states in the south have these old ass racist rudimentary laws still on the books. But because many of our people don’t know, or care to challenge this shit it persists! Wake the hell up i say!! Wake up!! I…
I knowwwwwww!!!! Hahahahahaha!! He’s sharp as hell doe! Got Uncle Ben’s ass in a knot!!!!
The lawyer added that it was important for Shelby “to have that smear on her name removed from public view.”
These 2 Bitches need to go directly to jail. Demonize the victim is “dirty cop class” 101!!!! GTFOH!!
Hahahahahahaha!!! LLS!! Indeed! I wasn’t gone say nuffin...but me too!! LOL!!
If you’ve ever been to Montgomery County Va. you’d see the overwhelmingly white inhabitants nestled in the hills. They love their moonshine and black VT Football players who win games. Keep in mind this is the same University that loved Michael Vick when he was there playing ball, but had several hundred people sign a…
You know damn well you can’t experiment on the fly cuzz!!! That’ll learn ya!!
“In a phrase that should be familiar to anyone who follows these stories, Jones assured the public that “appropriate steps” had been taken to address the racist incident, but would not disclose whether any students had been discipline, according to KXII News.”
What a damn shame!
I certainly wish this brother well!
“It has been 1,277 days since the people of Flint, Mich., have had clean water in their pipes. In that time, they have continued to suffer the aftereffects of an extreme example of environmental racism.”
Awesome stuff!!!!
“The vice principal even allowed the young boy to be taken home that day by the same driver, despite the earlier altercation.”
“I am going to predict right now that we will have a smoking gun,” Geragos told CNN Tuesday. “There are people who are not going to get into an arbitration proceeding and they are not going to lie. They are not going to lie. They are going to tell the truth and they’re going to say what happened. They were told ‘No,…