
What a damn shame! How much more proof must be shown before it is blatantly apparent, that black and brown people aren’t treated as a priority when it comes to anything concerning them? Exhibit A- Hurricane Katrina, and as of late Exhibit-B Puerto Rico has residents drinking Gov’t identified contaminated water!!

Fuckin clown!

Excellent article. What i have come to realize is that i have to do something and i am. We can no longer depend on anyone but ourselves to make any changes. Coming together and taking back our communities by being involved in solutions through critical thinking is key to me. I pray the young people that i reach will

I’d say i’m definitely #4 Newly Woke. “They begin to mellow and learn how to navigate “the system” without compromising their blackness, existing in that pocket between respectability and unapologetic blackness.” I am in fact a work in progress brother Michael. Help me sweet white baby jesus wrapped in swaddling

I concur!! How in the hell these people continue to defend clear racist Bull shit is unfreeking believable??!!! You ask African American kids as well, as if them saying it was a dumb joke makes it better? What the hell did you think they were going to say when they have continue to go to school with “Robert the

“Maybe he’s a terrible parent because he raised his eldest son Lonzo to get a scholarship to one of the best colleges in the country. Perhaps Lonzo’s lack of a single off-the-court scandal is evidence of LaVar’s poor parenting skills.”

To assume it was an accident instead of an intentional act, is in my opinion a part of the problem with covert racism. People of color are many times forced to explain away an incident because “This can’t possibly be happening to me!” But the reality is if you sense that it is intentional then it is. Black people have

“I was laughing so hard on the way home that somebody took the time to leave me a note and leave me money and half a joint,” said Shepard, who explained that she will use the money to see if she can buff out the scratch.

Awesome!!! I did t know about the Black Women’s March on Saturday. But this synergy should be contagious!!! I celebrate my sisters and we will march and push for change!! It begins with me!

Wow!! I too felt that same icy reception that Putin would give President Obama. The saddest part of it all is the fact the many white people dont take the time to really read, and research all of the things they come across for the facts! Russia makes us all look stupid, and 45 has sold white people a stupid bill of

Indeed this is why we must remain focused, unified, and diligent in the face of an atmosphere of constant racial aggression. What’s more; when the dominant culture thinks we are making this ish up, it further pisses us all off!!!!! SMDH!