
“Libs claim to love evolution but chastise this poor hockey player for honoring his ape heritage. Where’s the tolerant left now?!”
-Some dude make six figures for a thinktank

Goddamn, man. This being Deadspin, I want to make a joke...but I just can’t; nothing about child abuse is humerus.

Reminds me of the time that I bought the bottle of Johnny walker Blue Label and dropped it in the parking lot.

If you really wanna get technical...

A major political grievance, at least here in the United States, is the concept of income inequality and how some people get it without working much while everyone else makes $7-10/hr working shitty jobs and double shifts and unable to get ahead; an entire political party is

Apparently instead of volunteer work, I should be getting in on streaming. This guy being worth any amount of money, let alone 1 million is just disturbing to me.

And the crybabies throw a fucking fit when a game they decided to like/dislike gets negative/positive reviews, we see the dipshit “how much did ___ pay you to write that? lol.” comments.

This, this right here, this the very definition of a shill. EA bought his opinion, plain and simple, and yet millions upon millions

So he’s happy to have his word bought but streaming with women is a no...

The world is actively a worse place because of these people.


Dave Portnoy is the real life equivalent of Dennis Reynolds.

I’m such a Deadspin fanboy that I hate Barstool Sports despite the fact that I’ve never visited their site.

a site for boys who wanna grow up to be Donald Trump Jr.

This is Matilda. Matilda is not Brigitte. Matilda has a cool job that lets her use her talents and enthusiasm to create something wonderful for others to enjoy or not as they see fit.

Wow. A player effectively banned from playing his sport in an entire country?! He must have REALLY disrespected their national anthem. 

Manziel to AEW?

Uh oh hahah I think he thinks that was for THIS march.

What say you, unabashed meat eaters, WHAT SAY YOU?

Next week Zach Gowen’s coming back with both legs.

And no sooner than that did WWE make the tee shirt he was wearing available for a mere $28. At the least they could have thrown a couple of bucks from the ridiculous price to the fight against cancer instead of using his illness purely to bilk fans and fill WWE’s overflowing coffers.

brainwashed mute hired gun”

how is this functionally any different than their role in the original