
Imagine the updated stories:

[Jerry walks into view back to camera. We are in the hallway outside of his apartment]

[Kramer is in the hallway reading in a sleeping bag]

I think you’re aware that GMG will be bought by Sinclair or one of the Kochs’ in order to be mined for names of the people who post here so that they have a very good idea of who to cart off to the camps.

I really hope this is emblematic of the upcoming midterms.

I’d do it to resurrect Gawker.

Though the game has already undergone a weekend stress test, tonight’s Xbox One beta, which runs from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. for people who pre-ordered it, will be Fallout 76’s first public showing.

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything


This sucks but at least John Cena will grant a wish for him. 

I’m one of those chubby IWC neckbeards who rides the Roman Reigns Is Lame train like there’s no tomorrow, but I can definitely parse performer (and booking) from actual person, and this is stunning and legit upsetting. Dude is only one year older than me, and shouldn’t be fighting this kind of shit, and for another


First they came for...

This is some f’ed up crap. This is how we allow corporations control everything. I used to not care, but this is getting out of control.

Comparing government policy to a the racist carnie show going to Saudi Arabia to promote pro-Saudi propaganda is a fucking stretch and a half.

It’s also notable that McGahn was often working tirelessly to keep Trump from doing anything overtly illegal.

He didn’t explain it because the argument that “a national trade embargo with Cuba didnt work, therefore we should promote and wrestle in a country with a terrible human rights record that just murdered a journalistis so self-evidently fucking stupid, that anybody who isnt a complete and utter dipshit should

They are not, but that absolutely has nothing to do with former American President and Christian Barack Obama. 

Pssst, Pokemon existed and still exists outside Pokemon Go.  There’s a game coming out in a month, so it’s not really any years late.

Remember when we had a rational and logical human in the White House?
God I miss Obama.

WWE is working to appease the Saudis because they know a little something about the Bonesaw used in this particular case.

It’s his own fault. If he lived in the US, he wouldn’t have had health insurance so he couldn’t have had surgery. Problem solved.