
The problem people are always complaining about is discoverability. If too many titles like that start popping up, it becomes harder to find quality titles in a sea of shovelware. Personally, this has never really affected me as I’ve always relied on traditional methods of game discovery (word of mouth,professional

Mueller mulls major mandate, meanwhile multimillionaire miscreant meanders mindlessly meeting mistress. 

Indict Me If You Can

Junior flies commercial???

I love that the American Dream of one day getting rich is the brass ring that keeps most people voting like idiots against their own self-interest. One day they may need the tax break that the 1% get, and may be able to pay for private schools and private healthcare and be able to be “better” than the people that they

Being a minority works out perfectly fine for them since they use Game Genie for Votes, AKA the Electoral College.

I certainly hope, if there is a financial judgment in Papa’s favor here, the judge awards it niggardly.

David Muir: “And in gaming news this week, thederpytroller lived up to their name...”

You’re right. The right has never, ever done anything like this! Not once ever!

If you own a $40 million yacht and have no better place to put it than fucking Ohio, you deserve anything that’s coming to you.

It’s worth mentioning that Ronnie wasn’t just attached to Game Theorist community. Many others have interacted with him outside the community sphere, and are as shocked. He’s helped touch other lives, and similarly have helped him.

I get what ursine. 

feed her to a bear

These dumbasses decry safe spaces then whine about not being able to dine at a fancy restaurant without being accosted for their utter inhumanity, all without even the slightest hint of irony.

Meanwhile, the White House has a tantrum any time someone kneels or isn’t nice to their shitty mouthpiece SHS. 

And proving again what giant hypocrites repubs are, Trump is proposing a 12 billion dollar aid package for farmers hurt by his tariffs.

There’s also Slide The City, coming to a town near you (or maybe not).

These veterans need to learn to respect the troops. 

Zeke from the creek