Or, just so you couldn’t possibly ever get confused, why isn’t the headline just the entire article?
Or, just so you couldn’t possibly ever get confused, why isn’t the headline just the entire article?
I put together a quick playlist for Clay to check out, just in case he doesn’t know which songs to sing along to. https://open.spotify.com/user/longmasterwolf/playlist/7cu3I68Ofg4P7jY8iD53ij?si=db_U4pEJRf-ApPLlxkS_ww
“Sure they were all technically doing what the headline said but aren’t you to blame for all of my inferrences?”
Ice Cube explained use of the n-word best (really!) when he was on Bill Maher a while back. When asked why black people can use the word and white people can’t he said something to the effect of, “That word used to be used to hurt us but we took it and changed its meaning for us. It’s our word now and you can’t have…
I don’t care the issue, I don’t care what side of the issue you’re on. If you use the term “Fake News” as part of your argument, you out yourself as a dumb motherfucker and a lemming.
Oh man, you’re about to hear from a bunch of people who totally have black friends.
Not Kaufman. More like Tony Clifton.
Build wall through M
“You seem like a maladjusted alcoholic. The court sentences these inner-city youth to your custody.”
If you go to Minnesota and bring up the Mighty Ducks, damn near everybody has a cousin/uncle/friend who was an extra in one scene or another.
You can have Mighty Ducks but if you come for The Sandlot I swear to god I’ll do absolutely nothing other than disagree in the comments.
To be fair, this Nyko dock has been bricking systems and killing their ability to charge for months before the 5.0 update. The thing should have been pulled from shelves long ago.
Bloated, Boozey Belle Blithely Bears Butt, Blasts Bystanders Belligerently.
If the Belle tolls more than twice, it’s considered playing with yourself.
Hey, there’s a crack in that Belle.
I’m over here SEARCHING for a cutie that’s better than me at video games!
Actual screenshot from Fortnite:
I for one approve of this radical shift.
Holly Holm once knocked her into next week and she certainly doesn’t want to experience that again.
Because it is embarrassing. For whatever reason (many, really) it is going to dig at his narcissistic ego until he can freak out.