
I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way

When Punk grows up.

This is insulting to children and babies.


I don’t think you paid attention to the photo Troy Vincent used in his tweet. The correct answer is:

Yes, you’re right. It definitely is not a sports entertainment promotion featuring musclebound men wearing sparkly spandex costumes slamming each other around for spectacle. It’s some whole other, more serious thing.

“Well, I don’t know about that, Don. You see, urban legend has it that the swiveling of the hips in salsa dancing is meant to simulate, or at least highly suggest, the motions in sexual intercourse. I mean, not like I have ever tried any move more complicated than the ol’ in-out, but you know, those fiery Latins have

Back in the day the player took his hit, got back on the field, scored a touchdown, handed the ball to the ref, sat on the bench, started shaking, puked, drank a pint of Cutty Sark, forgot what he was doing, went home, beat his wife, and had a good long cry. None of this twerking, that’s for dang sure.

Orisa is easily the most exciting new hero so far and I can’t wait to get home and try her out! It’s crazy how much of a swiss army knife she appears to be. It’s like “Here’s a tank, with Soldier’s gun, Rein’s shield, Zary’s ult, and Mercy’s damage boost (for your whole team). Oh, and she can withstand practically

Can we stop using Sesame Street as the PBS poster child? It’s an HBO show now. And the PBS cuts won’t affect it in the least. If PBS disappeared tomorrow, Sesame Street would still get made because its main funding comes from licensing and merchandise sales.

This “clarification” that JonTron has offered makes part of his problem incredibly clear.

It is perfectly possible for a person of a racial or ethnic background other than “Anglo-European” to hold particular prejudice—or even racist beliefs—toward white folk. Similarly, it is possible for a woman to hold sexist beliefs

“Racist Idiot Doubles-Down, Still Racist”

They should have asked him for his SAG card in return.

Very amateur- always try to insult a sixtop after they tip, so you don’t mess with the pool.

World’s worst Brawny ad.

Makes a lot of sense. Judging from the picture, he and Al Davis obviously had a close relationship.

Wow that was really unfair of their daughter... a pencil is WAY too small to represent the size of Hanzo’s projectile hitboxes.

You’ll know it’s gotten out of hand if the school nurse gets called a healslut.

high-school aged Korean kids...