
Fucking awesome.

LOL. Unsure how this article is antisemitic. It’s just dumb foreign policy. It’s to fortify Dump’s anti-Muslim stance to his mouth-breathing base (which, incidentally seem pretty fucking antisemitic themselves. Oh the irony). This is just an article about another stupid foreign policy decision that the douche

Found the new guy.

That’s how the unlocks work for the guns in the game. Every 50/150/250 kills with each gun unlocks a new mod for whichever gun you’re using. New guns are unlocked from getting kills in a specific class. Though, guns can be found in loot crates, but it’s rare.

Nah, it’s gazillion’s fault. They made a boring as fuck free-to-play game, hoping people would spend money characters and cosmetics. But, the game wasn’t fun at all. At least Battlefront 2 is fun. (I still wouldn’t pay for loot boxes in that shit show, though.)

For real though, this game is kinda buggy. I’ve had at least two challenges not reward me in the last couple of days, even though they’ve popped up “collect your reward”

For real though, this game is kinda buggy. I’ve had at least two challenges not reward me in the last couple of days, even though they’ve popped up “collect your reward”

TLJ story spoiler...

Pizza John’s is going to cure concussions.

Never change.

Fuck Russia.

Fuck the Last Chance Bonspiel. (probably spelled it wrong)

The fart really cut the tension in the room at the time.

Didn’t watch the video because kinja doesn’t get along with my phone and typing this out is harder than it needs to be. But I watched one of my friends knock out another friend with one hit. And the dude who got knocked out farted as soon as he hit the floor. I’m not sure where I’m going with this. It was just funny

One of the higher-ups sober up or something? This is the most gamestop move.

Checked out the comment section of one of their articles earlier and...yeesh...

So, you’d be fine with receiving dick pics that you didn’t ask for?

To the shock of no one.