
I’ll add Super R-Type or Gradius 3, just for the sake of more variety, too.

Sim City should be on here along with CT.


Gosh. They’re treating this whole situation like he murdered somebody.

I know that it’s wrong to wish death upon someone, but I hope that Trump dies horribly. He’s so content with fucking millions of people over and he’ll still wake up in a couple of hours and have a completely smug smile on his face. Fuck him. I hope he has aneurysm on live television.

Also; Poop-in-Chief won’t do a fucking thing about this.

What’s going on with Kinja? Comments don’t seem to load on some articles.

Holy Hell. I started reading through the comments and I just can’t handle that much economic anxiety.

Any chance you can hold SE hostage until they agree to release the SD Collection in NA?

My favorite bottles have those plastic straws that my son manages to lose after two days, rendering the whole thing useless.

A friend of mine and I just traded his Netflix login info for my HBO info.

Can confirm.

Ah. Thanks. I’m not adept in TR and had never seen her like that before.

Goddammit Luke.

What’s the fifth from the left from? I’ve only played Tomb Raider for like five minutes back in ‘98.

How’d you get my number?


All that plastic would make for better KINDLING, IMO.

Videocart-3 goes for more money than a mint Stadium Events in certain markets.

Probably the right answer. Either a vindictive (ex) girlfriend or a parent that got pissed at a kid not pulling their weight or something. My dad used to throw my toys in the trash if I didn’t pick them up. Which now that I think about it, is kind of stupid since he was the one spending the money on them, not me.