@pauljones: True, though that doesn't make it especially good - I saw both a second-generation Sebring convertible and a goddamn Dodge Nitro while in Scotland last summer.
@pauljones: True, though that doesn't make it especially good - I saw both a second-generation Sebring convertible and a goddamn Dodge Nitro while in Scotland last summer.
@irishman72: I hate to say it, but the seats in my Volvo 240 fit that description as well - firm, not enough legroom, and something constantly pressing into your back unless you sit at an awkward angle.
@CopterBob: Hell, you could say that about almost any new car, too... there aren't many mainstream cars still for sale that you could identify from a block away, but the PT Cruiser's one of 'em.
@skitter: I'm pulling double duty while Charles helps his dad with some home renovations.
@Defender90: Well, damn. And here I've been riding on my 'it's a goddamn Volvo 240' theory as to why I've only been stopped once (and got a verbal, not even written, warning then), despite usually doing at least five over, not having a properly-mounted front plate for the past four or five months, and (for a while)…
@tonyola: I drive a solid-steel sixteen-foot allotment shed that manages to clock in barely over a ton and a half. Seriously, I have no idea how most modern cars weigh so much more - airbags and computers aren't that heavy, and modern cars have more aluminium, carbon-fibre, and so forth...
What advantages does this motor car have over, say, a Volvo 240, which I have already afforded?
@cobrajoe: Volkswagen D24T/TIC. Early longitudinally-mounted turbocharged straight-six. The N/A D24 only put out, at most, 80 HP (or 114 lb-ft of torque, and those figures from two different states of tune), but the turbocharger improved things considerably.
@Barry Zuckerkorn: How 'bout a turbo B20 instead? Sure, it's a Volvo engine, but it's a Volvo engine you don't see every day anymore...
@jeff-the-ffr-fan: Mmm. Three rock-hard inches of hot, meaty dissatisfaction.
@$kaycog: Oh, uhm, well, you know. I suppose exhaust size matters, too, but in that sense the ideal is probably closer to a stock Honda ULEV peashooter...
"I was a surfer/
@cobrajoe: Hey, you stop advocating 16v head theft! Us B230 folks need those for backyard B234 conversions.
@tonyola: SBC? Man, for five digits I'd expect an LS*, an original fuel tank, a slightly nicer interior, and wheels that won't blind me.
@smackela: Precisely. Aside from the awful fuel cell and wheels, this might be something I'd do myself - but I'd start with a less-balanced car (so as not to ruin a good thing) and I'd be perfectly aware that its completed value would be, at most, one-fifth what this guy's asking.
@snap_understeer_ftw: Man, is it time for Save the 164s?
@$kaycog: ...to sluts. ;-)
@The Dead Inside Group of Companies Limited: Plus one, good sir. Any questions I had about Ben's dedication to the cause have now been answered.
@AV6Spd: Seriously, this is why the Read All Comments Before Commenting rule exists! Good work, as well, Ian (if you see this).