
I don't know a single Gearhead or car-guy who was not in some way influenced by their father, older brother, uncle, or grandpa.

Know what a twelve-cylinder A8 L of similar vintage will run you? AutoTrader's lowest price at the moment is just shy of $39k for a 70k-mile 2005.

@87CapriceEstate OUT OF ORDER UNTIL 7/9: Tits. You know, titmice. Chickadees. And a clump/sprig of needles from a (Eastern/Weymouth) white pine is called a tassel - it's the other half of Maine's state flower (you know, beside the pinecone).

@tonyola: I had the feeling that the corner lights and grille were the difference, but I wasn't sure which was which. And aye, the chop is perfect - high enough to live with, low enough to look murderous. (Just like McKelly said before me, actually.)

I will say that I hope the entire car ends up yellow (perhaps even with mold), and that the current set of wheels are ridiculous. The 1969-'70 (the taillights are cut off!) Cadillac, though... lovely project, that one.

It IS a fucking Pinzgauer!

@Doug Higgs: Oh, they were, provided you were okay with having to make a three-point turn each time.

@MikeTheRipper12: Makes plenty of sense to me, when viewed as a byproduct of corruption, profit creation, scum, and villainy. I suspect Massachusetts is instead in it for the think-of-the-children shortsighted aspect, and as such, I ought to have been fine if I'd decided to have a go at fireworks runnin'.

@Vavon: But what it did carry, now, that was super!

@87CapriceEstate likes his Sox red: On a side note, I miss the hell out of those plates. The pine-cone-and-chickadee ones are just sad by comparison, as much as I advocate the display of tits and tassels in public...

I don't know what this "safe and sane" business is (anything that doesn't leave the ground, right?), but I know New Hampshire gives not one fuck what sort of fireworks you want, provided you aren't setting anything else on fire with them.

@AustinMiniMan: I don't know. Where would you bring it, though, anyway? We know it's a bad idea to take one along to the store.

Man, I hope someone saves the poor little jellybean from this vegetative state. Not that I have much against Bob, Larry and friends, but...

@900pilot: That's the popular interpretation, aye - Mitsubishi's official statement was "Oh, wait, shit. Uhh, we meant, like, 'star' and 'Orion'... 'Starion'... see? You believe us, right?"

@Murilee Martin: Amen. My usual procedure with my subcompact point-and-shoot (Fujifilm Finepix J10) is simple - white balance either on Incandescent (for obvious purposes) or Really Blue Bright Fluorescent (to compensate for the camera), mock-ISO at 64 (bumped to 200, sometimes higher, for darker/indoor-lit shots),