
@kake81: I completely endorse this idea, as I'm trying not to resort to that.

@vavon205: I'd love to promote this, but The System Is Broken.

@Engineerman: Agreed. The ideal situation is to have people drive to a city, park their car, and hop on a train/subway/bus unless they need to transport something large. There are some areas - such as my hometown - where public transportation is a hilarious concept; Great Britain doesn't understand that quite so well

@JuanOxido: Nope, they're good for half the population... the half that's attracted to men. I wouldn't exactly consider most moobs to be 'desirable', would you?

I seriously like this guy's style. Taking a shitty, painful situation and finding humour in what remains? Hell yes.

@GtAkReYz: Or, on a more understandable note, when there's a Buick in front of you going 30 in a newly-underposted 40 and the only passing zone that hasn't been nanny-stated away doesn't have a huge gap in traffic.

@philaDLJ: Seems to me that if a system attempted to determine whether one was driving distracted/incompetently, a track day - heavy acceleration/braking, sharp turns - with that device engaged could really fuck up the owner's day.

@.sherpa: Now what I fail to understand is why people who claim to need these features aren't taking public transport.

@Elhigh: Weed isn't really addictive in itself - but if you have an addictive personality anyway, or a family history of certain mental disorders, bad idea. It's not for everyone, not even everyone who might be interested.

@dculberson: Sometimes the best isn't good enough - currently doing exhaust work on my 244, and I've sheared off two hanger ends so far...

@Elhigh: I've always liked "I don't know, and neither do you". It's my religion. Sure, I suspect there's something, but I don't know what; it's impossible to prove or disprove anything.

Well, Vauxhall took me a second ("oh, so THAT'S the animal inside the circle I haven't paid attention to in a while") and I had no previous idea, beyond 'it's red', what SEAT's logo looked like (since I've never looked at one up close), but the rest of 'em I read right off out loud.

Cars aren't crushed after one day, not when the tow company could hold 'em for ransom or there are any usable parts.

@joeisuzu: I saw my first, a fairly clean black one, on the paved state highway outside my house earlier this afternoon. I hope it gets driven properly on occasion...