
@rev_junkie: Yep, you are entirely correct and I forgot what the hell I was talking about. (I knew it wasn't quite right and wasn't sure whether I'd be caught out!) The cams were Maserati's problem (though not actually their design); the head was indeed by Cossie.

@FightingChance: Totally. I have a raging figurative hardon for that car every time I see it parked. Haven't heard it yet, though...

@Murilee Martin: Redirect your hate mail here, folks: I've personally been involved with denting every last body panel of an XR4Ti shell.

There's a boat-tail Riviera locally with a similar black-with-painter's-tape-blue scheme. (See attached.) It doesn't really do a whole lot better with it, but I like it for the same purist-offending reasons.

@miyatacandypaint: So would I, if the 300/400-series Volvos didn't have a 4x100 pattern rather than their larger brethren's 5x108.

@rev_junkie: Yeah, but the Maserati-headed 16v in the stick-shift cars was worth it. Just ignore the later Mistersquishy-powered models, as they don't count.

@verchad: I've always wondered how it was possible to make a car that looked that similar to a sister model but shared almost no components. Only Chrysler...

@F1_nothing_else_matters: I actually did nearly step in front of a first-generation Prius a couple weeks ago. No word of a lie here. Didn't see it, didn't hear it, there it was.

It's a good thing.

@7shades: I've heard that, and it infuriates me slightly. Up here, RWD Volvo wheel options are essentially limited to other Volvos and, incidentally, certain Ferraris. I am jealous!

@Chris Richardson: The Escalade should be its own brand, rather than a Cadillac, and the SRX-thing... I'm honestly torn, because it's very good for what it is. Escalade SRX it is, then. Leave Caddy to the CTS and "XTS" full-size replacement. I'd say "Escalade, by Cadillac" if it didn't bring back unpleasant memories

@Chairman Kaga: Wait, what's that about the target demographic? Women don't have prostates, you know.

@PowerTryp has a TSD Taurus: Be thankful it's not AWD - the AWD S70s and V70 XCs (the first generation) were very unhappy when given even slightly differently-sized tires front and rear, and didn't cope well with heavy throttle if the front and rear wheels were on different surfaces. Finicky things, they are.

@apstguy: Think of it as a giant Post-It - it was the fastest wagon ever officially factory-built at the time, I'm told. Not many of 'em, especially in yellow.

@pbrtim: I almost got mown down by a stop-sign-running minibus about two hours after posting this. The middle finger sufficed.

@AustinMiniMan: Sadly, the '92 still used a lesser RWD offset. Any wheels designed for the 2/7/early-9 series will fit, though.

@Chris Richardson: Part of Chevrolet is still a problem, though - the Colorado was outdated when new, for instance - and Cadillac brings quite a bit to the table these days. I'd say the largest problem these days isn't product at all, but rather management, still.

They'll manage to make it slushbox-only. I hope I'm wrong, really I do, but I have that suspicion.

@tankman: ...and even now that Ford and (most of) GM are on par with the Japanese again, their tarnished reputations mean that a large portion of two or three generations won't give 'em a chance. That's the sad thing.