
It all seems pretty damn sketchy and nothing has been released in terms of information to the public at large. I mean, I don’t need details, but if no one is being helped, WTF is the point.

Is there anything I can do? I live in the Maritimes, but I don’t know what to do. 

That is damn straight. Both my grandmothers worked and they worked hard. I truly have no idea when this halcyon era was where women everywhere stayed home and raised children while living in a home with a car on one salary. So many people, left and right, talk about this elusive era where life somehow wasn’t

You pose a good question. How many men period were convicted of rape during that time? Or more importantly, how many “important” men were even accused, let along charged and hahaha went to jail. You weren’t supposed to talk about it, because if you were raped, it was likely due to your own moral failing.

Perhaps seeing the brutal treatment and humiliation the majority of white women get when they gather the courage to report and think holy shit, no way they are going to believe me. Unless you are beaten to a pulp, you are a whore who asked for it. I have seen so many women be the first to push this narrative, it

Is that why the inquiry was such a failure? I am so sorry for you and your family and how shitty the world is.

My partner kept harping on how video games had done this before and was otherwise a pretty big dick about it. I was not impressed. He eventually pissed off and I enjoyed the rest on my own.

Can you imagine a choose your own adventure book the size of Bandersnatch? Wowzers.

I remember making a decision and then quickly dying in a short paragraph, felling enormously shocked, then returning to the page as directed and carrying on. It was like wow, I just killed me and my 3 best friends. Whoops.

I absolutely love his answer. I watched with my husband tonight who kept belaboured the point that the concept wasn’t new and video games have done this blah blah blah and I firmly told him, this is new to me. I have never watched a Netflix show and had the opportunity to interact with the show. I am enjoying this.


There are people here right now telling their story, how it worked for them, and what makes WW different. Different things work for different people. 

Thank you.

Weird, because that is the best part.


Congratulations. That is a great achievement and I am happy for you. It feels good to gain back control of your body.

Yes, thank you. It gives you the tools to manage your health for the rest of your life. So, so many people have no idea what an actual portion size looks like, for example. You learn about nutrition and balance and this becomes part of your lifestyle for the rest of your life. That is what separates it from a diet.

I don’t get the cynicism about it at all either. It teaches people about nutrition, portion control, and other skills that one will use through out their life. Most people are stunned when they learn what a serving of chicken actually looks like, for example. Eating healthy and being aware of what you are eating is

Given he was having an affair and sending love texts, as one would, this news does not surprise me. In fact, I took it as a given.

IMO it is only really news when creeps are sending unwanted pics, especially to people that work for them etc.

I’m stunned I have never had the misfortune to receive one. 

Welp, it is The Star. 

Is it the Toronto Star or the Sun? They are two different papers with wildly different viewpoints, but both are referenced here.

My guess would be the Sun.