
As an aside - 9 pm? That is really late to still be at the office, assuming you start in the mornings. Why does your job necessitate you to do such long days and weekends? In my opinion, your job should be a standard work day with the exception of extenuating circumstances. I did the 14 hour day thing when I first

I agree with this 100%. 

I am so sick of sexist men, I can barely stand it. I am 40 and I told my husband today I am completely fucking done with sexist men and if they start something with me, I will hand them a new asshole. I have worked in mostly male dominated industries and people have been surprisingly pretty good for the most part, but

I agree she is too nice. He is a total jackass and deserves the failure that is in store for him. I don’t know thought about the co-workers. I would let him expose himself for what he is unless I was especially close to someone. 

I work in a really gritty industry right now and for the first time in my life I have had to fire an enormous amount of people, because their behaviour was putting other people’s lives at risk (drunk on the job and heavy machinery, for example), but otherwise I completely agree with her. A lot of the time people do

You mentioned you are leaving soon, so I would let him sink himself. Continue to be a great mentor/leader, as you have been doing, and you can leave with your head held high. He will implode very, very soon. You can then take great joy in his spectacular failure knowing that “you would have caught that”.

I wrote a big long thing on how my dog died two weeks ago, but deleted it. This is a really nice post. I was really impressed on how supportive everyone was. Absolutely no one said she is just a dog and we can get a new one. People said to me what you said here and it was exactly what I needed to hear (and I think I

I am so sorry. My dog died two weeks ago and I am still enormously upset. It really is an awful thing.

Should I pass down any beauty related wisdom, let it be that.

Wise words. Keep them neat and ignore the trends. My aren’t very good, but I do the best I can.

But but but where did her eyebrows go? Please tell me she didn’t really shave them? 

I completely agree. Stale white bread.

Wow. That is just..... Wow. 

I can’t stand these poor rich people. Heaven fucking forbid you sell your multi-million dollar house for something just a little more manageable, which would still be unattainable for the rest of us. If you can’t pay your service people, how are you paying your utility bill?

That is right! The women are the punchline in the shows and you can see the “jokes” coming from a thousand miles away. The formula is so tired (was it ever really funny?) and the sexism is unbearable.

The only person I know who finds The Big Bang Theory is my father in law and he is an abusive pig. I am sure he loved

The appeal of shows like this and The Big Bang Theory baffles me. Utterly, completely baffles me. 

I tried watching Mom and Dad on Netflix this weekend. You never know what you are going to get with Nicolas Cage and this went into the crap pile for me.

One can have a meaningful impact on one’s life and the other doesn’t matter at all.

It’s replete with misogyny. Why isn’t the guy from the sex tape famous like she is?

How come everyone in porn aren’t millionaires? If all a person had to do was have sex on camera, I mean, they should be everywhere.