
Angry Birds is a Snake of smartfone generation, it is not going anywhere :)

title states "coolest yachts" not "hideous house barges" :D

yes, fights between old people who want to sleep at night and young people who want to have fun 24h - happens in my place all the time :/ Want peace and quiet? move to the village, noisy city is a live city.

Why would anyone buy games from the Steam instead directly from developers? (origin,Uplay) ;P

well, Europeans will be able to buy Skyrim, Mass Effect, COD and other PEGI 18 games in the Windows Market...I'd say this is a news.

except in Europe there is not such thing like Mature(17+) and AO(18+(mainly porn)), we have only PEGI(age) where PEGI 18 works for both Skyrim and porn. Steam sells PEGI 18, they just don't sell porn, Microsoft simply assumed PEGI18 = AO = porn and blocked all of the games other than Mario.

Yes, I have exactly same reaction, I've already put Xcom and AC III on the "buy GOTY edition" list :)

russian planes are designed to do that, even the fighters can land on path of grass - very sturdy landing gear and engines set to suck air from top of the wings to protect the turbines during landing/takeoff) - during WWIII entire Siberia was meant to be one huge airfield for planes striking US through the north

no, just no, all jrpg are always better on handheld devices, jrpg structure make them perfect pickup-putdown games, spending 200+h in front of tv is tiresome but in bus, in shitter and while side-watching futurama 200 hours just fly :D

the word you are looking is "Stylized" based on hand painted textures with still visible brush strokes

You are not their client then, move along with your life.

but did you allow little Emily die? :D that's the worst ending, other one is a lame bad ending

which ending? there are three: good, bad and horrible, and a bad one is really bland, go for horrible :)

...and I live in Europe where as Sony announced most Vita games will be released as downloadable PSN titles only so I need min 32 GB :/

I was one of this peoples who was very happy about announced 250$ price, I felt that sony will give us awesome hardware for awesome price... and then I heard about 100$ memory cards... funny thing thou I wouldn't care about the card price if sony had included some small memory for savefiles in the vita, or simply

remember that in the game you are leading group of people who murder in cold blood important social figures, group whose credo is "nothing is truth, everything is permitted" - I do find this disturbing, Ubi is treading very fine line here - the entire "white knight that's holier than thou" attitude is only thing that

sooo it is to make copying easier?? interesting, that is new for me, actually I was taught otherwise, that it was kind of cheap ass drm to prevent unauthorised copying - apparently if you try to xero blueprint you will get completely black page - well one doesn't exclude other.

no, the games are beginning several years after the books end and the books author have nothing to do with them, he's only comment about the games was "it is not my story" :)

sooo...can you show us your own works so I can see how much weight yours "professional opinion" carry? :P

except manual transmission allows me to have fun on the normal roads without driving fast in normal everyday car - since I live in mountainous area even trip to my office can be fun ... oh and I'm European, I drive manual because basically everyone does, automatics are simply not popular here so I find being called