
iSorry :D

well, my phone already have more memory than my PS3, it should run skyrim better ;D

I don't thing it is marketed to core players, it is more like cheap family console for people who don't know what online multiplayer means :) just finish a game and uninstall it? I'm I the only one who actually do it?

Japan responds by launching Godzilla :)

they eg. failed to pay an external artist/firm who made it? it is happening more often than you think :/

did you ever heard about Google Maps? is a blueray player! :/

no, I simply work for indie company and I know how expensive game development is, 100$ is a pocket change. We are glad it was introduced, it means less crayon drawings called "pitch design of ur osom game" and more actual quality projects.

well define indie studio? If you want to create a game you need to buy computers and software worth of thousands dollars, if the studio can afford that it can afford 100 bucks to get cheap marketing on the steam. Of course if by indie you mean a poor student who just want to publish his school project than I got news

No, you are paying 100$ for marketing of your project at the site that gathers millions of potential clients, and as a bonus you will get a feedback from some of them, that is a bargain.

You are missing the point, it is not a protest to force apple into anything, it is simple a consumer choice, if more people will do this choice apple will loose its user base and slump into the fanboy fuelled side-lines company that was before iphone. Impossible? I don't think so, here apple corporate practices are

So you are suggesting that it is pointless to participate in the elections since one vote doesn't count? :) well, in my office and family everyone voted samsung (or nokia) no votes on apple at all - this is a base of democracy - one vote with one's wallet :D

If apple patented 4 wheel car non apple people would have to drive 5 wheel cars and american patent office would call it innovation :/

Annnnd it will never be released in Europe because it could accidentally boost the Vita sales :/

So, if apple is allowed to patent car with 4 wheels all non apple people have to start driving cars with 5 wheels...and it is good for innovation?

"These are games. They're supposed to be hard."

it was designed to piggyback russian space shuttles :)

at least each engine :)