
@superbad: building and maintaining dry dock cost money, much more money than placing few steel beams on flat ground.

my guess, one year difference - another generation of clients with money to spend

because in US "Adult only" is associated with pornography so some "family friendly" retailers eg. Walmart has refused to sell any AO games and that's why "Mature" had to be introduced. Also dropping to 17+ means that entire generation of kids will be able to buy game and thats means more money for publishers. Europe

So...did they expand "Patriot Act" already to prevent future acts of "Cyber Terrorism" by taking personal freedoms from everyone?

They mentioned that you can help other cops apprehend criminals so i guess there will be some random encounters, I don't know the details thou.

you are always driving with your partner so you could simply skip driving sequence by choosing passenger seat in the car to be immediately warped to the destination - they showed this on some conference, youtube for gameplay videos. As far as I understand game will be more like Mafia than GTA with bigger focus on main

Best thing about AC Revelations, is that it looks like we will be visiting same city (Constantinopole) in two(three?) time periods as Altair and Ezio(and Desmond?) - I hope that all actions in earlier period will carry over and show its outcomes in later periods - imagine possibilities! Impossible happened, Ubisoft

Now playing

@tony.hodge322: most are simply inkjet printers that shoot glue instead ink into the box with some plaster or plastic, youtube for 3d printer

I work on two monitors, I stopped noticing edges after...well about 30 frigging seconds, besides in games action still remains on centre monitors, side ones just fill peripheral vision

@Kainazzo: Like the alienware one? monitors like that exist on market but are rather pricey, maybe if multimonitor rigs would become popular big curved monitors prices will drop

I'm pretty sure that's definition of heaven on earth :)

He has a two - one for the people, other one for monsters :)

Now playing

no, game remains on central screen, side monitors simply fill your peripheral vision

they don't need to, drivers do it automagicaly, increase field of view in ingame cameras and voila - you can see three times more than before- the main action remains on central screen anyway so no additional tweaking is necessary :)

What quite a lot of people don't understand it is not about resolution or size of the screen but about Field Of View, no your 50" lcdtv in saloon isn't better than triple monitor setup, because in triple setup only central monitor shows standard gameplay picture while both side monitors fill your peripheral vision

@Pahootaman: Ignore the flags and all randoms that are not necessary, just go for the bosses.