
oh common, the game didn't really start until the trial at the end of first chapter and you gave up in tutorial? :) The combat can be weird (while I loved it) but combat takes about 50% of the game rest is taken by story - it is more adventure rpg than action rpg :)

@PegasusOrgans: no, jews - all books and first game are heavily influenced on second word war's history with humans often quoting Hitler and his lackeys while talking about nonhumans, and dropping world "pogrom" every other sentence.

Finally post that puts things in little bit of perspective. Can I ask Kotaku to place a link to this article in every post taged "japanWTF", preety please :)

Thing I loved in first Witcher was domination of adventure(story) over action, your preview suggest that W2 have reversed things a little and this is actually worrying me :/

@brijazz: Apple doesn't collect the information...yet. Their recent patent suggest that they intend to collect it...and sell it.

Yes, Jennefer was leading mages during battle of Sodden and she was badly burned by fireball there, I really don't remember Triss ever being at harms way, but it was years since I read the books so I may be missing something. Actually I have the reason to read the saga again :). I can understand why Ciri is not in the

ApocalyPS3 2 ;)

@Turael: accidentally most common type of woman in eastern europe is bit different than in US, Mcdonalds is doing badly here :)

@Mike West: wait..wasn't that Jeneffer? Tris in books wasn't exactly a battle type mage, more like Jen's pushover :)

I fully agree, I also wish they treat the men in similar way - you know, all men heroes in television and videogames should be portrayed as overweight, plain hunchbacks with glasses like me... ;P

story, story and story once more, I personally prefer it over Mass Effect, both Dragon Ages doesn't come close.

@Mr. Pie!: fun fact: Germans censor violence in games and movies, Germans own european porn industry :P

@Ghost: The witcher end up on "the best rpg ever" lists in almost every rpg/game portal I've checked side by side to Torment and Fallout so I guess answer is: yes, you should play it:) Since the second one should be vastly improved, it will be safer to start with the first one, playing in reversed order may be


Seriously, I wish they released new Disageas for portables, I travel a lot and Dis is burning time insanely fast :)

@William Juarez: this is not for 4chan crowd but for small companies and freelancer - You know, guys who are in danger of being randomly raided by tax police - legality of a your software is one of first thing this guys check.

@Vulcain: you can simply don't sleep with every girl you meet :)

so, someone has discovered that real life is boring :)

well, last time I checked drinking rain water was very bad idea anyway. It is basically pure H2O and it suck minerals out of body into urine :)