
Lots of comments here are written by people who logged in Home once, often before this year's heavy updates and generally doesn't care. My guess is that the one's who actually care are logged in Home right now having fun :)

yes, they try to kill themselves, but in the same time thousands are trying to kill themselves sitting on their oversized buts in front of the computers writing stupid comments while eating trashfood :P

@LVGamer: For me Disgaeas are perfect time eaters, I've got first two for PSP and use them as distraction during my regular train journeys.

@MAdmin: quite a lot of software and games is using it as command key so it is nonono :)

killing himself and his friend? oh come one, he drove of the road few times at the beginning but seems to learning quite fast - actually after watching this video I'm convinced all fresh drivers should be forced to drive a racetrack just to learn the limits of themselves and the cars.

@JesterBee: while I actually don't like the idea of modern AC it could work - Mirrors Edge proved this :)

@Thut: just stick with Grunt then ;)

@wtf_G: welcome to Gawker media, have fun with us

what is defining movie? - actors

@Kevin Patrick Taylor: did you noticed NOTE tag at top of the post? this is how "private" posts of Kotaku editors are marked, if you don't like it, you don't need to click it, for the rest of us is nice way to remind us that the guys over the other side of cable are humans to.

Resident Evil, rated M for Molesters: Did the girl ever inform the man that she is 12? or maybe played 19yo hipster she want to became?

@The K Gee19: this is light carrier, equipped mainly with harrier jump jets ;)

@vlad_damien: some of the characters come from mods :)

wait: isn't representations of living things forbidden in islam therefore most games are undesirable?

@theprancingboar: that's not targeted to kids but to mmo korean crowd :)

Moore's law ( [] ) - "number of transistors in microprocessor will double every 1.5 year" - Sony's 10 years console life cycle means about 7 generations of PC hardware :)

@Chicken: last time I checked US was leading the legal and hardware race to weaponize the space.

newsflash - reality is boring :)