White Nick Cannon is Jamie Kennedy? This explains so much.
White Nick Cannon is Jamie Kennedy? This explains so much.
Or maybe, you know, he finds her smart and attractive and interesting and those two grown adults greatly enjoy each others' company. Anything's possible.
I have no idea whether these claims are true or not, but Morrissey's entire "why would someone lie about this" stance is either breathtakingly naive or simply dumb. People lie about absolutely EVERYTHING, often for nonsensical, ridiculous, mental illness-related, or (yes!) malicious reasons that don't actually benefit…
A Spanish-surnamed production company is racist? That's some seriously Jezebel-level "I'm going to find racism behind ever single gesture," there.
The 1930s were really the high water mark of the whole "Lost Cause" view of the Civil War, where pro-Southern historians spent decades managing to convince a pretty sizable chunk of the country that the South was somehow the noble, wronged party in the Civil War. This movie, along with Gone With the Wind, were both…
You realize that the LAPD is actually funded by the people of Los Angeles, right? I'm all for compensating the victims of such an egregious fuckup, but you seem awfully cavalier about spending public money.
Doug Barry is the Donny of Jezebel. Forever out of his element and needing to shut the fuck up.
A Rom buddy of mine (from a Machwaya fortune telling family) had Hunchback of Notre Dame/Esmeralda merchandise everywhere in his house. He unironically loved the movie and the character.
Which is funny, because in the original Aladdin story Aladdin is supposed to be a Muslim from western China.
This has to be the dumbest, most tendentious reading of a movie since...oh wait, it's the Jezebel comments section where it's right at home. Did you miss the fact that Lilo and Nani don't have parents because they were KILLED IN A CAR CRASH?
You are aware that a film called Lilo and Stitch exists, right? I mean this movie sounds great, but it's not like Moana will be Disney's first Polynesian heroine.
It happened a month ago and she specifically told the reporter she hadn't watched it yet. You seem to have a really high tolerance for deliberate rudeness.
A lot of men are socialized to sprawl out in public spaces not to be assholes, but as a way of projecting strength and not being called a punk or inviting attack from other men. Part of male privilege is the near-constant threat of being challenged or physically attacked in a public space by a macho pinheads if they…
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore.
Patricia Clarkson: America's own Helen Mirren.
There are few things more annoying than someone who grew up in a rural environment making it out and then shitting all over the place he or she came from and people he or she grew up with, for the benefit of other urban sophisticates.
Folks, I was there when Branagh was casting Thor. The dude knew what he was doing, swatted down the idea that he should get "names" and instead cast two relative unknowns who aced their parts and launched themselves to stardom.
Your opinion about the quality of Diablo Cody's films has literally nothing to do with the issues she raises.
What a dumb, click-baity subtitle for that Slate article. How about "Is America ready for a musical about the complicated relationship between a daughter and her strange, distant father?" Because that's much more the tone of Fun Home (which is terrific and everyone should read, BTW.)
Really? You don't think different cultures socialize men and women in different ways, leading to differing attitudes toward gender and sexual violence in different countries? That's a very strange thing to think.