
Wow, Adam Abboud with his holier than thou demeanor and his "even when you're doing the right thing, it's not good enough because something something white supremacy elitism" attitude would fit right in in the Jezebel comments section! I don't even like fraternities (I went to a school that expressly didn't recognize

I thought the burka featured a full mesh face covering as well. Isn't that more of a niqab?

"Non Angli sed Angeli"— "not Angles, but Angels." A pretty good pun for a Pope, all things considered.

My daughter just hit me in the nuts with the yellow and black Battlemaster mace during a family Nerf battle. She's just fine with the existing Nerf weapons, thank you very much. Also, ouch.

She went from writing an off-Broadway play to headlining her own network sitcom in under a decade, having lots of respectful press coverage along the way. Apparently you set the bar for being celebrated really, really high.

She's not a billionaire (yet!) but Maggate Wade of Senegal has become a multi-millionaire by manufacturing consumer goods (organic drinks and cosmetics) from African ingredients and marketing them in Europe and America. She's a brilliant, rising young entrepreneur who's made her own money, gives back to her country

News flash— if you want to look more Caucasian you don't make your jaw SMALLER. Blaming everything in the world you don't like on the West is just another form of Western narcissism— sometimes it's not about us at all.

This is the smartest comment I've seen all day. Great observation.

Ha. Now I know how every actress who clicks on the comments section of a Perez Hilton article to see what people are saying about her feels.

How is it ironic? Tesla never reproduced, and I know lots of people who have opted not to have kids because they have a history of mental illness in the family and don't want to pass it down to the next generation. Isn't that a form of bottom-up eugenics?

Daniel Day-Lewis is six foot two, barely two inches shorter than Lincoln and the same height as Tesla. What race of giants do you come from where that's considered short?

Just when I'm ready to give up on Jezebel, y'all post an article like this. Very funny and clever inversion of an all-too-familiar article about women nominees. Bravo (-a?)

I want to live in the alternate universe where Boorman made his nutty '70s Lord of the Rings. It would have been blasphemy to Tolkien purists, but an absolutely amazing film.

Do you want men to speak out against harassment or not? If the answer is yes, then why complain when a really prominent man does it?