
Everything is politics you fucking simpleton.

Says the bitch who is too much of a bitch to type the word bitch and instead uses an asterisk…like a bitch.

Shut the fuck up snowflake

Justin Roiland probably loved the sauce and he tends to put in stuff from personal experience. If anything it was JR who loves the sauce and put it in a Rick and Morty show because he loved the sauce so much. Nothing wrong with that. Just like trying to get a free Nintendo.

Dragonfire doesn’t melt ice beams!

Ryder from Mass Effect Andromeda

Here’s an idea. If they are really racist (since they’re wearing that hat so they must be), why not treat them respectfully and maybe change their minds about black folk. Instead their ignorant views were probably nothing but reinforced.

Is that a laden or unladen raven?

Cars are built with Gear shifters headlights, cupholders, ashtrays, radios, navigation systems, window controls, and more that require taking your hand off of the steering wheel to use. If it was a truly a danger to take your hand off the wheel while driving, they would have made such things illegal, or at least

I’m guessing less lazy than you are shitty.

The effect of my personal electrical use is much smaller than what a standard American diet contributes to their carbon footprint. That’s to say nothing of the health benefits or animal welfare.

The problem is when so many people are ignorant, proud, or otherwise unaffected by the fact that eating meat is the most damaging thing the average person does on a daily basis (yes more than driving an SUV).


Because people see headlines that say “Driverless Uber car involved in crash” and fail to read the rest of the story. They conclude autonomous vehicles are unsafe.

The weird thing is that IT Crowd made fun of geeks as well and yet seems to be pretty well received by geeks.

I still don’t get the hate for the Big Bang Theory. I am what most would call nerdy (I build my own computers, play video games,work in the industry, etc.). I’ve watched the show from the beginning and still find it funny. If people’s conclusion is that all nerds are like what they see there, that seems to be more of

Fuck the police

“Wanting characters to identify with” implies an inability to identify with what is being offered. If your child only identifies with characters who look like him/her, you’ve failed as a parent. Children should be taught to identify with actions, words, deeds, etc. — not skin color, gender, or perceived background.

I have no opinion on Ghost in the Machine, I never read it and most likely will never see the movie. I’m a white male in America - nearly everything is made to appeal to me in one way or another. My thoughts on this video:

The only problem is this mistaken and culturally-poisonous viewpoint that someone needs to look the same as you do in order or identify with them.