
"This is Jon Snow, fucker of ginger wilding, killer of lieutenant walkers, executioner of Ollie and master of sexual tension your grace." -Davos

This is Jon Snow, fucker of ginger wilding, killer of lieutenant walkers, executioner of Ollie and master of sexual tension your grace. -Davos

Amen. With the right face short hair is extremely attractive.

He is on the inter webs downloading and uploading all the time. He has no more use for trivial small talk.

Savage. Only topped by Oleanna.

Maester of bed pans.

Grey scaled doused sword tips.

He would have to get his diaper changed first.

Think Neo in the Matrix when he sees code and becomes the one. He is beyond it all.

I personally love the losses. It would be boring if Danerys didn't work for it.

Baelish's speech was wonderful. He gave Sansa the theorem aka the skeleton key to all the doors.

My money is on Jorah. 3:2 odds.

Don't people understand that by now?


Bran was all "Im in the 8th dimension over here." He went full Dr. Manhattan on Sansa.

Sorry to hear. It was a show where all the story lines mattered and converged perfectly. Its in my shows that not many saw but was well done and different from other dramas on tv. Like Banshee.

It was a very good show. I have to disagree wholeheartedly.

Really loved how Jon and Danerys have to consider opposing viewpoints. The old guard is going off past information or what they know to be true. Jon is going off of what only a few people have actually seen at Hardhome. Euron will have a great gift to bring back. Finally, how did Littlefinger think that conversation

Hopper gets the upgrade with all my blessings. Black Sails and his Billy Bones earned him that.

I think he did pull out. They butchered Leguizamos character and that drowning episode was one of the worst. Add to that the ending scene and it was a mess.