Lol. He IS half depends, but not a lot of brothas have chest/back hair in heavy doses.
Lol. He IS half depends, but not a lot of brothas have chest/back hair in heavy doses.
You realise that they served in a backwards time when the people didn’t expect transparency from their elected officials?
Can you please tell me who is providing unbiased reporting? Not being snarky, I want to know.
But Parker himself didn’t say stop so, by his own logic, not only should the journalist kept going, he should have invited two other journalists into the room to keep asking the same question.
I’m not running for president, nor did I ever say it was brave. You don’t think Hillary will ever have to travel somewhere where it’s warmer than 80 degrees? There are hundreds of people at that event. Only Hillary succumbed to the ‘heat.’ How do you explain that all those other people were fine? Something is wrong.…
It was 75 according to forecasts, and anything under 90 is mild. I wear a suit in Houston every weekday, so I don’t want to hear about mid 70s and humidity and wearing clothes.
Everyone here likes to make fun of Breitbart for being an echo chamber, but it’s really the same at Jezebel.
Slavery was legal. The Holocaust was legal. Jim Crow was legal. Legal is context.
Funny thing is, you aren’t even right about the definition of trespass. Walking onto someone’s property without permission isn’t trespass. Trespass happens only if you are ordered to leave *by the property owner* and don’t do so. (So, even if a cop shows up and tells you to leave, you aren’t committing trespass until…
Fortunately, because there was the possibility of historic cultural remains on the site, the owners of the property gave the local tribes access to the property, so technically (since there were many members from the local tribes present) it wasn’t really trespassing.
I accept that you comments are factually true. I just can’t handle any pearl-clutching when the folks she was filming were siccing attack dogs on little children and then bulldozing Native American burial grounds on a holiday weekend while the parties to the conflict were awaiting a decision from a judge. One needs to…
Uh, that private land isn’t Indian land solely because the USA took it away by force, then sold it along racial lines to the invaders. You’re ignoring the fact that the law only exists because someone established it by force of violence.
I’m not saying she didn’t trespass. I’m saying she didn’t do what you accused her of doing- cut down the fence.
No, it doesn’t sound like something she would do at all. She was following a story and it’s a damn good thing she did or yet another shameful act of the government against American Indians would be hidden.
Did she tear down the fence or did the protesters do it and she just followed them as a journalist?
Hillary Clinton meanwhile made a speech promising to really stick it to oil and gas companies.
Unfortunately, her dry, straight, facts-only news program has no appeal to the majority of Americans who want their news to be flashy and funny and entertaining whether it’s true or not.
I didn’t realize the mark of good journalism was humor.
Amy Goodman is a fucking hero. Grossed out by her warrant but definitely not surprised. This might have the effect of bringing the whole thing even more into the spotlight though, which could be a great thing.
She was out at the DAPL protest ahead of most mainstream media, so she can eat all the fucking clay and sun her parts all she wants, in my book.