Every time I see a picture of Bella it just makes me think about how much better I’d look with just a few tweaks from a good surgeon...
Every time I see a picture of Bella it just makes me think about how much better I’d look with just a few tweaks from a good surgeon...
I understand your logic about “personal homes”, but the fact is if you can’t publicly advertise and rent out your home without discriminating based on race/gender/whatever you should not rent out your home. If you want to make a little cash on the side while still keeping your home “racially pure” or whatever bullshit…
Did someone argue it was impossible to remain unruffled in social situations? I must have missed that. Nevertheless, the fact that is possible (for some people!) doesn’t explain why I’m required to accommodate other people’s comfort at the expense of my own. (And, if you are describing yourself as having “stumbled”…
It drives the racists absolutely fucking batty that the Obamas have a good marriage and are great parents.
But what about white kids? Won’t somebody think about how it affected their psyche seeing a Black family in the White House?
How about this: Will you please stop assuming things about Beckham’s behavior that aren’t even mentioned in Dunham’s one-sided account? She doesn’t say he completely ignored her. She doesn’t say whether they exchanged minimal pleasantries. She doesn’t even say whether she attempted to engage him in conversation (if…
I think it’s interesting that you are citing a person whose opinion I don’t care about, but whatever. I also think that explanation is a haughty explanation - why the fuck would using different forms make anyone feel bad? And according to Miss Manners, if I am uncomfortable engaging in small talk, then that set of…
Well, it WAS directed at a black man. It may very well have been that Dunham would have treated a white man the same way. But I often find that when people make assumptions that just so happen to fulfill stereotypes about a group they belong to, they tend to hide behind the excuse that they would have said that about…
You won’t make the extrapolation without information? When it’s her own story and it seems reasonable to believe she would include it if it happened? But you will extrapolate that Beckham ignored her completely and call him rude on that basis?
I think you don’t know whether she tried to engage him, so you probably shouldn’t brand him as rude because he didn’t engage her. In other words, you don’t know all the fax, ma’am, so you should shut your butt.
You can’t extrapolate about her behaviour, but you feel quite comfortable extrapolating about his and calling him names based on it. Interesting.
According to you, she didn’t say if she tried to engage with him or not, but he is still wrong for not engaging with her? I see you and know where your ingrained assumptions are coming from whether you acknowledge them or not.
What if you are not in the mood to deal with casual racism and ignorant statements, and 95% of the white people you come across have engaged in such talk? Are you still required to engage these people? It doesn’t appear Dunham said anything to him either so what is with the entitlement?
Ummm...what am I supposed to do with this? How is this supposed to devolve into personal insults like a proper internet argument with agreeable shit like this?
I never said she was wrong to be insulted, although I think it’s a little odd to feel “insulted” just because someone you don’t know doesn’t interact with you. Nevertheless, I could imagine various scenarios in which Beckham’s social interaction would be minimal or non-existent for perfectly innocuous reasons, because…
Please, Beckham doesn’t owe her shit. We don’t have to sit here and make excuses for whatever his actions were that night. He’s allowed to decide who he wants to make conversation with and who he doesn’t without being publicly called out for it in a way that assumes the most nefarious and insulting of reasons. And if…
Can we please talk about former GIRLS writer Lesley Arfin, who called defecating “Taking Obama to The White House”?
Is the premise of Lena Dunham’s argument that she deserves to be paid attention to?
Maybe if the reporters used flash cards of a marshmallow, a child or dog that would help jog his memory.