Elon Musk, prominent African
Elon Musk, prominent African
It is always dangerous to set up different rules for different people
face validity
how many Americans are in prison for life for smaller quantities of drugs?
the dilemna is to determine who will say one thing now and break the promise later when elected.
I gather you feel that was a poor decision.
I believe there are hundreds of Americans facing life without parole for smaller quantities of drugs.
on a happier note, the police union in Vancouver has decided they need to help us pick our civic politicians.
A goldwing is a fast way to go far
i am surprise. how to screw up a lotus.
Of course you can teach empathy
You spell no good
Nothing more divisive could come from a Russian bot.
We all have
Generally one has the right to do that which is not forbidden
A little hint of racism in the air
The embryo might have become a thieving slumlord - rich!! With orange skin perhaps
My Goldwing with1833 cc has 125 hp
This is a 200 hp Ducati