
that moves it to one per cent or so

well someone has to deal with men who wear skirts while not Scottish

how does a stationary train derail?

a dystopia for many and heaven for the few

How do people end up on this road, despite the risks, let alone the ethics?

some doctors are willing to do anything for a price

the health care system in Canada has huge issues, but this is special. Basic health care would seem to be a right as important as bearing arms, or the right to vote. 

is it possible that if he lies about his obvious baldness, he could lie about other matters?

Me too, as they say.

Most people were more stupid previously than now


We dont see a lot of biscuits in Canada. Not that we dont have trouble over fast food

fusion ain’t a thing yet, may never be a thing, though i dream of a little fusion reactor in my Goldwing.

how many nuclear reactors will we need for this?

I had a Kia salesman call me several times a day for months. 

lucky tires. 

the world is increasingly seen to be grotesque

already started with sardine heads. 

how do you feel about sardines in the beds?

they would be puzzled by books