Murry Chang

Really? Women found the title crude? Who could have anticipated that??

She’s not wrong, at least from a branding perspective. Mattel currently has a full toy chest of films in the works, from an A24-type Barney movie starring Daniel Kaluuya, to J.J. Abrams’ take on Hot Wheels. Maybe someone new will also take over for Polly as well, following in the grand tradition set by Amy Schumer’s

extremely funny to be like ‘i was surprised to see women turned off by the name “pussy island”

There are several people I wish they had pushed harder. Feel strongly that we clung to Biden in the face of the threat of a Trump revenge tour, and basically didn’t think about a succession plan.

He’s interested in the flavor of authoritarianism that takes people’s free speech right away. Here is a direct quote from him:

I also think that people are short selling the inevitable media apparatus pivot.

Translation: "It was already the title of a porn movie." 

Which flavor of authoritarianism would you vote for?

Well, see, Project 2025 didn’t cost this guy an opportunity, so it doesn’t exist. And how very American to have that perspective!

The dude you’re jawing with basically lost out on an opportunity to a creator of color in the past (in regional theatre, if memory serves), it broke his fucking brain, and now legitimately every problem in the country can be magically traced back to “DEI” and “social justice.”

Exactly - the choice between “old man who’s not all there” and proudly evil old man who’s not all there” should really be an easy one.

Both candidates are terrible. Vote for the one who won’t require a coup to replace if the need arises.

Hey remember when Chris Pnoike was dancing around making it clear he was very alive at every Wonder Woman 1984 press tour stop and DC would be basically sing-songing “weeee won’t tellll you weeee won’t tellll you” because the actual explanation was one of the thirty-five dumbest things about the movie and made Diana

It’s gonna be wild when it turns out to be a spinoff of Legion.

should have done 3 seasons and a movie.

“So what I did is sell $2 billion in merchandising rights and my indie flick is paid for before I shot the first frame. You should try it.

It sorta sounds like nostalgia for an era that wasn’t actually as good as she remembers it being.

Okay--THAT is nuts.  Very cool, but nuts.  There might be two drive-ins within two hours of where I live, and I’m big city adjacent.  I like drive-ins fine and find them to be a really unique experience, but give me huge screen, state of the art sound systems any day of the week.  Though being able to fart freely

Not unlike the 10-15 years we all suffered thru musically after the first few years of grunge. Labels pouring millions into Nirvana/Pearl Jam wanna be’s. How much dough did the studios throw at the “next Tarantino”?  And the result was a glut of awful films made by Tarantino rip-off hacks.

Oh, it was worse — it felt like there were a thousand Tarantinos!