Exactly, ok!
Exactly, ok!
Especially when there’s too much focus on the relationship at the expense of other fun things that could be happening.
Oh and The Bamboos!
Inside Out 2 had a very generic, paint by numbers script. You could tell what was going to happen throughout the whole movie during the first 10 minutes. Fine for 8 year olds but not at all close to ‘amazing’. The Iron Giant is amazing, Inside Out 2 is generic.
Oh yeah ‘If they’re happy’, sorry, I’m still not fully on the trolly with using non gendered pronouns in my writing. It’s hardish to switch over when you were taught to use gendered pronouns if possibly.
Shit the only excuse I have for forgetting AC/DC is that I haven’t heard them in a while, woof...
Yeah I’m in ‘not technically an uncle’ territory and just wanted to hit up the drive in with my best friends.
Final note: There are way better kids movies out there than any of these 3, it’s a trash summer for kids flicks so far.
I’ve seen Garfield, Inside Out 2 and DM4 so far this summer and DM4 was the best of the 3, honestly. Mainly generic story (all three had horribly generic stories, like I could have written that shit better) but the villain was reasonably creative and the Minions were funnier than everything in Garfield and Inside Out…
I will have to check out Tropical Fuck Storm.
How about ‘Late in the Evening’?
If I can find that place I definitely will!
Gotta love those murder ballads.
Well if she’s happy then I’m happy and we’re all happy! Someone call fuckin Flo and Eddie!
It looks like a nice story but that’s the worst title since ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’ oof...
There’s Xavier Rudd, Tame Impala, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, Men at Work, John Butler Trio...and that’s just off the top of my head. Damn there are a lot of good Aussie bands actually.
Ok so, as Zod, you can probably force people to get tired of it, right?
Unpopular or not I absolutely feel the same way. Seasons 1 and 2 were good but having them not be able to get their relationship shit together for so long is not interesting at all.
I’d pay to see a DC animated film in a theater before I spend money to see a live action one, that’s for damn sure.