Murry Chang

And that means we’ll need some cork soakers!


Fat, dumb and so racist that Republicans say ‘Hey, maybe that’s a bit too racist!’ is no way to go through life, son.

You really shouldn’t need different standards for children if you’re treating everyone as they should be treated though. Yelling ‘Children on the set!’ is gonna keep a predator who already wormed his way into the lives of the children from molesting them?

‘Why don’t we have all the [assistant directors] say “Minors on set,” like we have a gun, when they say “Guns on set,” and they say “Alligator on set” or whatever it is”

Dude, you don’t even know what ‘pithy’ means.  Get a fucking dictionary and an attitude adjustment before posting in the future.

And you’re an asshole, maybe get a fucking attitude adjustment so you can converse in a civilized manner before you start typing on the internet again.

Screaming about how ‘cancelling’ Republicans on social media platforms is equal to the killing of millions of people is no way to go through life, daughter.

I actually really liked the original run but Reborn was pretty trash, unfortunately.

Yeah, colleges are primarily money making ventures, education is maybe 3rd or 4th on their list of priorities behind shit like getting research grants and sports. 

“I wasn’t aware that I had to have a trauma pissing contest to make a pithy remark.”

You damn dirty apes, you blew it up!

The initial marketing, almost a proto ARG, was the best part about the movie. I was pretty hyped going into it but left thoroughly disappointed...which was better than the friend who I saw it with, she left disappointed and nauseated.

Is it me or is his face starting to look like one of the ape masks from the ‘60s Planet of the Apes movies?

I’ve noticed this author seems to like slinging mediocre snark.

Yeah I was thinking of bringing that up but I thought that might be getting too far into the weeds...

To that point, here’s a little advice from this writer: the “capitalism is awesome” movie was old and tired the minute it was invented.”

The article is a bit confusing but yeah, that’s what I got out of it.