Murry Chang

Just had a cup of snapper soup a couple weeks ago, yum!

Man I am sick and tired of seeing so many disgusting pineapple beers(and fruit in general honestly). Thank goodness I've been able to find a few white/wheat beers without fruit in them this summer. Hexerei White Ale by Saucony Creek is really good, as is Saranac White Ale.

I don't see Legion or Fargo mentioned in this article at all, both of those shows are of the 'draw droppingly wonderful' variety in my opinion.


DC characters are more fantastical and better suited to animation than live action.


Not really. Emmet wasn't greedy, he was cowardly. He had plenty of chances to stop the sequence of events and balked at every one. He didn't even have the guts to admit that he ripped Ray off for the stamps until he was at his lowest point. He ran away from the two dead bodies at the end instead of calling the

Emmet could have turned on Varga many times though, he made his own bed in the end.

I think the theme of this season was 'Don't Get Greedy Unless It's BIG Greedy'. Ray was greedy for the stamp and ended up dying for it. Nikki had a million bucks but got greedy for revenge. Emmet was kind of tricked into greed, but he still went along with it far further than he should of. Sy was only kinda

No Morning Dew?

Holy crap they have the whole set now?! I got the first disk years ago and it was like 3 eps for $20 or something so I never bought any more of them because man, what a ripoff. This is AWESOME!!!!

The first Scream is one of the best parodies of the last 15-20 years…and the opening of Scream 2 is just amazingly hilarious.

Metals were uncommon, not nonexistant. Makes sense that they'd be found in clumps, nothing real weird about it honestly.

Still love the hell out of this movie. Then again, I'm about the only person in the world that's a real big fan of ST: TMP, so yeah, I'm a weirdo.