Murray the Demonic Skull

These Navy Seals were totally rushing .

Somewhat related, a great quote from American Dad :

Meanwhile Tity Boy is still waiting for his celebrity-owned quesaritos joint.

After you publicly stated you enjoyed the Star Wars prequel and disliked the LotR movies.

Wait you have a talking moth ?

Not long after that ill-thought firstie, @disqus_hbOv1r934s:disqus died from CancerAids related-complications.

LotR porn parody :

I need some prescription cookies come on help me out here.

" Just eat a cookie" is a better life advice than anything Dr. Phil ever said.

*Shakes non-existent fist*

Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him well.

Thank god there's none of that among us commenters.

YOU get random crap ! And YOU get random crap !

*@avclub-bd282ef25a82fc6ff53e2b80d656deea:disqus gets pummeled to death by hordes of deerstalker-wearing fans *

That title confuses me. Since when Dan Aykroyd is the widow of John Belushi ?

* Jaunty theme music *

Come on let's not sweat over the small stuff.

I don't know where that glorious header image is from. Is it from the upcoming season of GOT ?

The movie should bet set in Tijuana, the happiest place on Earth.

27 minutes and that comment thread has already turned to crap.