Murray the Demonic Skull

I wasn't born when the The Simpsons debuted. Feeling better ?

"I just typed JEWISH and my zip code".

Very nice comment/avatar synergy.

Oh turtle-related rapping . Thank god.

Wait, are you implying Abraham Lincoln was more than a vampire hunter ?

I actually drive a 205. Even french hipsters don't find them cool.

I don't understand the obsession of spam bot lately with "gorgeous peugeot 205 GTI". Did I time traveled by mistake to 1987 ?

You rang ?

I started watching that piece of crap movie last week. The premise is completely stupid and Junior's acting made me cringe.

Talk for yourself ! I'm the skinny noodle-armed choir boy nerd type.

It's actually complete french sounding gibberish.

Wait there are women on this site ?

Hey you finally got here !

Yeah brah, and what's up with that feminazy Eowyn ? Who the fuck does she think she is killing the King of Angmar? That's a man job !

Quimby's Town a dark and gritty crime/politics drama about Joe "The Edge" Quimby, on HBO.

You don't have to kill each other for it. You could mud-wrestle while I watch and deem who's worthy of keeping it.

"- Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins.
"- Murray the Evil Skull, shamelessly pandering to the A.V Club with a simpsons quote"

Come on A.V Club more Newswire I'm trying to heavily procrastinate over here !

Who knew Noriega was such a sensitive and torturingED soul ?