Murray the Demonic Skull

Yup it escalated quickly into full-blown crazy.

The A.V Club

Hey I even know a neat trick you can use CTRL+C and CTRL+V on your keyboard to speed up the process !!

Oh you're back.

We truly are through the gimmick account looking glass now.

This is why we need the Bear Patrol.

I actually assume you're a teenage boy from the MRA threads on reddit.

He said to the penis-faced pokemon.

Oh snap.

Baby-oil is oil made out of babies right ?

Well that's some quality trolling right there. Especially hilarious when you look at the comment history.

Exactly. "Oh no honey you don't have to be angry, I was ball-gagged and spanked by a leather-clad german housewife but nobody touched my penis so really it wasn't sexual at all".

On some level are not all stories about penises ?

It's certainly a step above "usual" children music but it's still going to get pretty intolerable when you have to listen to it for the 5978th time on a long car trip.

mumjob dot com . The A.V club is going to have a field day with this.

" A mousy librarian is called to a remote Canadian island to inventory the estate of a secretive Colonel whose most surprising secret is a bear who keeps the librarian company….shocking, shocking company."

It could feature this picture on the back cover. :

I'm guessing Shiksa.

Preferably illustrated with a picture of his kid going to school. And, just for kicks, that sextape you made with his wife.

Especially on the penis front.