Murray the Demonic Skull

Straight and boooored.

Yup I'd like to see some Nefertities

Can't comment on Vox I think.

Are you questioning my grasp of the english langage ? 'cause i'll pop you you busta !

I actually heard it for the first time in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas . Accidentally, it's also where I learned english.

Me neither. The fact that he took the picture from Todd's Facebook is a little disturbing.

Your better half sounds…lovely.

I knew it.

There has never been a sadness that can't be cured by breakfast food.

Can I ask you something I always wanted to ask the real Batm… Todd VanDerWerff ?
… Am I good looking ?

I know ! It makes me so changry sometimes.

Or that they had some really weird looking wine.

More like Trollin' Farrel amirite ?

"So why should you go Greendale ? That's easy. Greendale has the most advanced typing class in the southwestern Greendale area. And now you can register by fax. ! "

The answer is none. None more black

The A.V Club

“-Why is there a hole in Daniel Craig’s mouth?”

Found it ! Obviously NSFW unless your coworkers are deaf.

I stand corrected this is much freakier than the teletubies video.

Watching that video while on hawaiian mushrooms must be one of the most terrifying experience ever.