Only understood about a third of what was said, but it’s still better than most NFL announcing. I’d take this over Dierdorf or Fouts all day
Only understood about a third of what was said, but it’s still better than most NFL announcing. I’d take this over Dierdorf or Fouts all day
Classy chick to throw the “I was getting drunk” line out there.
He wants to bang her, duh
Yeah, well, that’s just like, your opinion, man
Everyone likes peds. Now let’s go hit some homers!!
Nobody is saying to respect him just because he’s a politician. How about some respect for the office of the Vice President of the United States? Unbunch your panties, my gosh. Get over yourself
Yeah I mean, having your brain bounce around inside your skull causing life-altering damage is totally not worse than spraining your knee.
Wahhhh I suffered a quality-of-life threatening brain injury wahhhhhhh
Be more of a suck up. You can’t
Not once, not twice, but thrice!
I felt it had a distinct “(insert celeb here)‘s net worth left us speechless!! vibe to it. Like why can’t the stupid video clip just play ?
Oh my god take it easy. It’s not like Negan won the election. Fairly certain just about every president has been as evil and fucked up as Trump, it’s just that this is the age of social media and SJW. Can you imagine a 24/7 Bill Clinton news cycle? JFK??
Ahh drugs and alcohol, always a great way to face adversity. No wonder the country is fucked
Hence the reason trump won. The entire Clinton campaign was “Hey, at least we’re not trump”. Not too effective when you are a terrible candidate with a zero on the likability scale.
Get the sand out of your vagina, for starters.
If you are relying on the government for employment, then you were always doomed anyway
Tell us how really FEEL, man
Pretty sure that when robots take over the earth, writing about Mavs games isn’t gonna be their #1 objective
Dude who gives a fuck about the Dallas Mavericks? He’s acting like CNN said they aren’t going to cover the election. ESPN sucks anyway, he should be grateful
I imagine the $55 an hour takes the sting out of it. Prob heading straight for short term disability anyways