Murray Brady

Yes. Dee's reaction face basically confirmed this.

I think you were probably supposed to have at least suspected it was something darker than normal porn.

But likeā€¦. how could the phone interfere anyway? As in, how would the neural implant know it was his mum calling?

Mac very nearly corpses when Dennis tells him when he's having gay sex he can be on top.

in that case it was because Dee realised Dennis was making a very obvious last-ditch attempt to control her. Which this wasn't, at least not so obviously.

well they've clearly taken money from Coors and, I suspect going by this ep, Microsoft. Great ep though, good to see them doing a completely new episode and even though it's getting tiring saying it week after week, another utterly masterful performance from Howerton.

Think there's only really been two eps of Sunny that haven't been wonderful sitcom episodes. I thought Cracks the Liberty Bell was excellent so not that one. I'd say Franks Brother and, from this season, Dee Made a Smut Film are those two eps.

no way will Waitress sleep with Charlie in the last ep. Maybe it might be left open, like she wont despise him as much or something, but that's the most it could legitimately go.

yes he definately corpses just before he bends over to compose himself. I have a feeling that scene will be showing up on the gag reel after the season is over actually.

I thought it had a lot of his 'English' accent from the isolation tank bits too.

Dee smashing the buzzer does make sense, in the same way her kicking the ball mil;es during their Phillies try-outs made sense. Her gangliness means her arms and legs are like pendulums.

Also his 'very well' before that was also incredible. In fact basically everything Glenn Howerton says or does.

very weak episode with regards to the scenario (never felt natural at all, especially the creampie stuff - although I felt the last line worked well regarding this as a sort of tacit admission that it didn't make sense).