
Let It Be Going.

ETA: Don’t mean to get all touchy-feel-y/creepy on you, but it still amazes me how appreciative I am that someone believes me!

Oh, generally and always. From the time I could understand the concept, I was taught that I was always “less than.” Between my parents and the damn catholic church, I had a number done on me. But all that eventually led me to a therapist named Sybil, so how can I really complain? The sheer joy of having a therapist

LOL—-well, it was pretty apparent to me that my parents weren’t going to be of much use!


Well, it does make a little more sense!

But sometimes it’s not just “the boys.” When I was 6, two 13-year-old boys (close friends of the family...we lived in a VERY small town) locked me in our garage, which was really an old barn. I managed to crawl up into the hay-loft, out onto the roof and then slither down a drain spout, all of which took about 3

Goodgod, what was Kim thinking?

I believe I would be the one murmurring “Welcome aboard” to Mr. Stamos.

I’ve been told I look like Debra Winger, and my daughter is the spitting image of Kristin Wiig. I don’t know what it all means.

I think that cat looks more like Bai Ling but I can’t link an image. :-(

Just so I can better understand, what does “ user me” mean?


And she’s evidently so self-involved that she thinks “working so hard to be polite and charming” is something to crow about to the world! I’m not sure that I’d want to announce that I had to work at being polite.

Goddamn I wish Lena Dunham would STFU. And I wish someone would convince her that a pretty significant number of people don’t care what she’s thinking.

I think that giving every child a trophy just for showing up sends a pretty shitty message to those kids who worked hard, practiced diligently and took pride in their hard work. One would hope that their parents would be significantly more involved in their kids’ lives than the trophy-givers and could teach them that

We’re getting ready for winter up here near South Park. I swear, it seemed like it hailed all day.

Good lord, you’ve got a lot going on with you! Happy birthday...and how’re you doing?

Pretty much.
