Any bets on how long before we also get a “goddess” and/or “your boyfriend?” I guess you and I are the only crabby folks here today, which I suppose is a good thing. Excuse me, I think there are some kids on my lawn...
Any bets on how long before we also get a “goddess” and/or “your boyfriend?” I guess you and I are the only crabby folks here today, which I suppose is a good thing. Excuse me, I think there are some kids on my lawn...
I had to read that 3 times to make sure I actually read it properly. People around here are complaining about her being called a “creature” yet seem to be perfectly OK with an “as you know” thrown in there at a completely arbitrary spot? (Except you and I, evidently.) Why would that be a natural thing for anyone to kno…
Nice! :-)
I’m no Affleck apologist, but might it not make sense that, if the kids are with him part-time, he’d be using the same nanny to make the transition as easy as possible on them? I’d think sharing a nanny would be a good thing, unless sharing includes fucking.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that Charles once whined to her, “But you can’t expect me to be the only Prince of Wales without a mistress...” He’s such a boob.
IIRC, she was a direct descendant of Georgina, Duchess of Devonshire. Her ancestry was significantly more aristocratic than that of Charles.
Ha! Shirley, Goodness and Mercy.
This made me LOL and I scared the dog.
Jaysusfuckingchristjumpedoffthecross, what happened to that man when he was a kid that has made him a parent who treats his child so callously? Both my parents were clueless fucks who did everything they could to let me know every day how much I repulsed them, and I’d say your father could give them a run for their…
I’m going with neither, although my knowledge of this season is pretty close to zero. But anything that has to do with Nick = zero.
I seriously doubt he’ll ever feel any kind of shame. His money has given him power and that power eliminates shame. I’ve seen it happen; I worked for a man whose new money gave him more power than anyone should have and it erased “shame” and “guilt” and “ethics” from his moral vocabulary. He was an idiot and an…
Commenting about proofing on Jez is exactly not the right place!
What?! That looks exactly like the cat who’s sitting right next to me, my Grand-Cat, I guess, Shiloh. The cat I’m allergic to that makes my nose run and my eyes itch and my head hurt but I don’t have the heart to ask him to move, politely or otherwise. He yells at me a lot, too.
Me, too...exactly!
There’s nothing about that sentence that sounds encouraging. I’m sorry. :-(
Hey! I haven’t seen you around for a while. How’re you doing?
Maybe just some wine, then?
That shot just after the lede is gorgeous, isn’t it? I hope that pasta’s wrapped around a huge meatball. Good lord, it looks good!
“He finally arrived to Laredo...” ?? {Sigh}