
Much as I’m embarrassed to admit it, that’s the exact reason I don’t drink anymore — the hangovers were just too much. The obvious choice would have been to drink less, but nooooooo. I decided to act like an undisciplined 5-year-old and say, “If I can’t have as much as I want, I’m not going to have any at all.” So I

Starred for making me feel older than I am with the “born in 1991” reveal. Gah!

Whoa - your mom’s got a set of legs on her. Gorgeous!

I always take “shuttered” to mean closed-up. Similarly, a house with shutters is “a house with shutters.”

I sprained my back the day before Valentine’s Day and am just now able to go up & down stairs/in & out of the car without making a noise. But I’m an Old so that definitely factors into it. Nothing relieved the pain except a heating pad. And I have some sort of “condition” where everything is kind of opposite with me

I’m a little disappointed that she doesn’t have her wedding ring on. Mens’ eyes zoom to the boobs? Mine go to see how big the diamond is, is how shallow I am.

LOL — “Ani-ani shelto!”

I worked with one for 20+ years and have never met a more repulsive human being in my life. And, as a result of being associated with him and basically running his life, I met a bunch of men who had a bunch of money and, out of that bunch, there was only one who I’d look at twice.

This could well be the cutest dryer I’ve ever seen. And I’ll likely get in trouble for misplacing this comment, but: I’ve used all kinds of dryers over the years (sometimes, it seems, like those pictured in the lede) and have never experienced any difference between the pricey dryers and the cheap ones because the one

This could well be the cutest dryer I’ve ever seen. And I’ll likely get in trouble for misplacing this comment, but:

Damn, I think it’s endearing, too! Just the idea of someone I love spending that much time looking at me makes me smile!

Damn. I just ate the entire heart out of a watermelon and was fine with it until I read your comment. I’m sorry!

Wait. You’ve found something that Magic Eraser doesn’t erase? That makes me kind of sad/disappointed. Another dream dashed on the rocks of Reality. {Sigh}

My Okie BIL pronounces “oil” as “orl.” He’s good on “boil” and “soil” and “toil” but “oil” just seems to elude him.

Yeah, but what about “ek-specially?” And “ree-luh-tor?” I guess we all have our own special hang-ups and that last is mine. The woman who sold me my home referred to herself as a “ree-luh-tor!” It’s not even spelled that way. Gah!

Mr. Murray_Present was born & raised in SoCal and I was born in rural Nebraska, moved to Denver when I was 11, and we speak identically, but I just realized: Both his (adoptive) parents are from the Mid-west so I assume that’s why he & I sound alike. Also, he’s a musician and I think the pronunciation of lyrics is

YES! An ex of mine used to say “pellow” and I had no idea what he was talking about. He was born & raised in Colorado so I assumed he just did it to annoy me. He also pronounced mirror “mirrow.” Who says that?

I feel the same way about opera but am a sucker for “Die Fledermaus.” I don’t understand this, gave up trying years ago and things seem to be going much better.

Oh, no! I knew better than to think those were your words...I was just commenting that the thing you posted from someone else made me crazy. I may not be able to recall if I always agree with you or not, but I do remember that you’re not stupid!

GOD BRAIDED THE FLAG????? My Vicodin must’ve just now kicked in because this is the only thing throughout all this mess that got me riled up. randilyn, I can’t remember if I usually agree with you or not, but this made me crazy!

Yes, indeed. Denton is the first (and only) place I ever saw a “Whites Only” and “Coloreds Only” sign above a drinking fountain. In 1964. That state never disappoints, even to the finer point of the Incorrect Use of The Semi-Colon. Backward bastards.