
I robbed the cradle at 53 and we’ll be married 16 years this September. The first marriage was ill-advised but this second one? Who would’ve thought an on-line meeting in a Fleetwood Mac chat room would turn out so well!

That’s it exactly...I experienced a decided “sweetness” in everyone, family and friends’ moms alike. Looking back on it, everyone was so damn NICE to me and treated me like they treated their own children, to the point that I just sort of accepted the very real fact that my parents were the Odd Ones. That made it

Yep, and thanks. I found out about 15 years ago that, when I was born, my extended family all agreed that they’d need to “keep an eye” on me as I grew up because my parents “tended to be a little rough.” Small town, large extended family, tons and tons of love/affection. Actually, I remember spending only 2 nights in

As much as I hate it, I have to agree with you on this point. But Work Ethic can only get him so far; geez, look at what happened to Tebow, who I hope is successful with the Eagles and has learned his lesson with the after-TD foolishness.

Yes, but I still say that his offensive line is going to make or break him. He can have all the talent in the world but it’ll be a shit-show (in the very most entertaining way possible!) if he doesn’t have protection. (As a Broncos fan, I say this with a certain amount of confidence. Go, Broncos!)

No snark, honest...just ignorance: What’s an Aranza? It sounds like an Italian sports car, which is kind of cool, I guess. Sort of like naming your child “Mazda?” Is it a name from a movie? I could Google but always prefer Jezzie replies! :-)

Hey! I didn’t write that response to Smilla... but I wish I had.

But he’s got to treat his offensive line very, very well; if he doesn’t, there are lots and lots of ways they can let him down and still make it look as if they’re doing their jobs. Football season can’t come soon enough!

Wishful thinking. :-( I’m sure the Bucs are going to do everything they can to protect their investment but he just may be stupid enough to do himself actual damage, which may be the best we can hope for. He’s an idiot and imagines himself invulnerable and I’m hoping that will be his downfall. I think he really

Yes, but just the idea that someone’s going to get a shot at Winston is thrilling, no? As a Broncos fan, we don’t get that privilege but it’s always nice to see someone else get the opportunity.

One of my favorite things to say lately. “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” :-)

For some reason (I don’t mean that to sound like a slam because it certainly isn’t)...for some reason, this is the comment that’s made me feel really, really good! Almost as good as standing in that aisle and laughing my ass off!

See, this is what I (“we?”...I guess I’m part of another group now!) can’t grasp: What it’s like to have a mother who has honestly affectionate, loving, kindly, rooted-in-respect good feelings toward us. I no more understand an affectionate hug between a mother & daughter than I understand disrespect for a child.

I arrived at the same place, exactly! All it took was a suggestion from a therapist years ago that “It’s okay for you to admit your parents weren’t up to the job of parenting...” and I was off to the races. I have no feelings/emotions/whatever toward either parent at all, which makes it relatively (heh) easy to deal

LOL— I went through the same thing last night! Standing in front of that card rack, picking up each card, then putting it back muttering, “Oh, you bet!” Fortunately, I’ve gotten to the point where it makes me giggle at how silly the whole Day is.

Oof...that really resonates with me. At five, I was informed that, if I had a voice like Brenda Lee and sang on Ed Sullivan, maybe I’d be of some use to our family. Every time I think about that, my almost-70-year-old brain replies, “Yeah, and if you were worth a fuck as parents, maybe you’d go to work and let me be a

She is one beautiful girl.

I agree! I fly Denver to John Wayne regularly (but not often enough) and love getting to DIA just to watch take-offs. I’d fly every day if I could.

I just don’t get it, either. No, I think that’s wrong...I guess I understand fear of flying (in my own non-understanding way) but I think I feel a little sorry for folks who can’t enjoy the experience. That acceleration of power right before the take-off is just like a roller-coaster ride for me! I think that maybe it

I’ll tell you what—-I’m a recovering catholic and, if I could work up the energy, would despise the church with everything I have in me. As it is, I gladly acknowledge catholicism for driving me to repudiate the existence of god and I tip my hat to Francis for an action that likely has catholics bouncing off the